


8 months, 11 days ago



Eliza's playlist here

A peacock who grew up without a true home. Eliza has been one to jump place to place, like a traveler until she settled in Solenna. She used to have a home village further away from there, a small bird village named Saurwing. Eliza used to have a loving family, friends as well, but it all came to an end one day when she went out with her friends to play in a nearby forest. In their little adventure, they found a dragon, and like children, they ran away screaming and disturbing it's peaceful sleep. Because of that, the dragon woke in a fit of rage and alongside it's other draconic companions, they followed the group of children back to Saurwing and burnt it down to the ground, leaving no home standing. It was during that attack that eliza watched her friends and family get burnt to ashes or crushed under rubble, and thanks to that event that she grew up to hate every dragon she encountered

By the time eliza was a teen, she had taught herself how to utilize her feathers as weapons, keeping them sharp enough to hurt others but not herself. Hence why she was known as 'The colorful storm' in most bird territories. Many never truly saw her face, only the bright colors of her feathers as she struck. Eliza's stop to traveling was solely because of the dragon she found within Solenna. Artic had caught her interest in many different ways. But she mostly wanted to tear her down as she had torn down every other draconic lover she chose...but she found herself actually loving artic, unlike many other dragons, artic seemed to genuinely care for her, constantly giving her gifts and even choosing her over Aliana. She questioned if it really was worth hurting artic, but ultimately let her hate win, refusing to accept she truly loved artic. She chose to betray Artic by spreading lies and stealing her position as Queen's guard for herself, knowing Artic couldn't retaliate if she was by The Queen's side

Ever since that day, Artic and Eliza have constantly been at each other's throats, Eliza usually being the one to instigate their fights as she would purposely pass by and tease her. A few times she even managed to still seduce Artic into sleeping with her, causing her to further isolate herself.Ā 

(Not so) fun facts about Eliza!

Eliza has a fear of fire due to the dragon attack

Eliza has a superiority complex

She feels she HAS to be in control of ever situation or she's weak

Without her feathers, Eliza views herself as hideous and does her best to keep her feathers intact to avoid thatĀ 

She has an unhealthy want to be pampered with gold

Design notes!

Both light green and blue are her feathers

Her tail feathers resemble a puffy dress when down but are similar to a peacock's when lifted up

She adds the swirls on her eyelashes


Eliza and Artic are exes but eventually grow to be frenemiesĀ 

Eliza hates Aliana for spoiling her plan to depress Artic

Eliza has a friend who's a secretary bird, both are like drama queens, hence why they get along so well

She sounds like Professor Manuela from Fire emblemĀ