


8 months, 11 days ago


Irel the fanged sword and sheila's second in command 

Irel’s playlist

Irel is second in command to sheila's army. Most of her work consists of helping rila or being a temporary guard for sheila. She used to be a part of one of the houses in the sun elf court. Due to issues with her family, Irel ran away from her home and trained on her own to be a sword fighter

Her uncle SA'd her and forced her to become the equivalent of a porcelain doll so their house would look superior and have a better chance of being chosen for more goods. Eventually, Irel slowly dismissed the love she had for her house, choosing to instead follow a guard's path and try to learn to fight. Of course, her uncle and family were against it, banning her from ever picking up a blade. It never stopped irel though as she trained in secret and eventually left her home to become a rogue instead. Until she met sheila. Irel sees sheila as someone who also needs protection from a broken world, bonding a bit over their past trauma's. Irel acts more like a friend and personal guard to sheila than a commander. 

Personality wise, she's quiet and very observant. While the rest of the commanders go on and boast about their positions or powers, irel just watches from the sidelines until she is needed for combat or is roped in by their teasing. She's quite cold with others as well outside of sheila and rila. The rest she sees as annoying