Pudding Couture



7 months, 23 days ago



23811744?1696830712 HP 45%
Attack 95%
Defense 25%
Speed 70%
Dexterity 35%
Intellect 35%
Charisma 15%
Sass 100%


NAME Pudding Couture
Pronounciation Puh-Ding Coh-Tur
Age 29
Gender Female
Job Seamstress
Race Sheep Demon
Classes Reaper
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Height 4'2"
Build Petite
Demeanor Bitchy Barbie
Profession Seamstress of the Void
HTML Pinky

"Out of the way you insolent pest, I'm trying to work here."

  • Sewing
  • Pink
  • Being Left Alone
  • Darkness
  • Sweets
  • Kindness
  • Light
  • Being Overworked


Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Serious Trivial
Cautious Risky


Powerful Demonic Magic

Famous Seamstress

Links to the Void

Quick with her hands



Hard to please

Prioritizes herself above anyone


Skills & Abilities

Demon Magic
Pudding is a sheep demon from the void, due to this she has powerful magic due to the dog eat dog nature of the void. She's had to fend for herself and learn how to utilize her powers to survive.

Sewing Skills
Pudding picked up sewing at a young age, making her own fashion and not wanting to be seen in the drabs that lower demons were seen in. With years of practice she's now known as one of the best seamstress' in the void, able to weave aether into articles of clothing she creates.

Dark Vision
Pudding has the ability to see in the dark, however this is also a disability as she loses some vision in lighter areas. She carrys a parasol around at all times to shade her from the sun.

Pudding has the ability to transform into a demonic sheep form at will, and a much cuter sheep as well to not scare the normal citizens of Eorza. She uses this for intel gathering and spying.


Scythe [ Weapons ]
Pudding carries around her scythe at all times, hidden within a personal pocket dimension located within her eye patch.

Parasol [ Accessory ]
Pudding carries around a parasol at all times, when it is not in use it's stored within her eye patch's pocket dimension. This is used to keep the sun out of her eye as it inhibits her ability to see.

Eye Patch [ Accessory ]
A pink eye patch resembling a heart that pudding wears at all times. She lost her eye in a battle within the void long ago, ashamed of her missing eye and seeing it as a point of failure in her she created an eye patch. This eye patch also acts as a portal to a small pocket dimension where she houses items.

Clothes [ Fashion ]
Puddings normal attire consists of her eye patch, a small beret, a crop top, some jeans or small skirt, and some high heels.

Choker [ Accessory ]
Pudding wears a small choker around her neck adorned with a small heart pendant with varying scribbles on it. No one knows the purpose of this choker, but pudding has never been seen without it.

Description and Backstory


Pudding is a demonic sheep girl hailing from the void with little to no patience. She grew up consuming the aether of the other demons within the void that she defeated. Due to the dog eat dog nature of the void it was fight or die. This gave her a bitter attitude, and hasty nature of attack first talk later. During one of her fights she was wounded and lost her right eye.

Backstory Preview

Currently WIP!


Pudding works as a famous seamstress and mercenary for hire. She'll kill without question if the pay is enough.

Relationships (WIP)



[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.