


8 months, 1 day ago


stuff may change...

  • full name: cerise (tbd)
  • 27
  • 6'
  • oct. 30 (scorpio)
  • infj 

his parents raised him with high expectations he couldnt reach. he was a high achiever all throughout grade school but really struggled in college. finished college with a low gpa and landed some mediocre office job. he's kind of forgettable but some of his coworkers think he's charming, it's just the work air.

because he mostly just spent all his free time studying, he doesn't really have anything he likes to do. he used to play basketball when he was younger, he's definitely too old and out of shape for it now. he does really enjoy gardening, growing up his mom spent a lot of time teaching him how to tend to plants and grow a garden. she told him he was named cerise because cherries are her favorite fruits. he actually doesnt like cherries. he takes care of all plants, he also names them but won't actually tell anyone that he named them. 

hes a naturally charismatic guy, but his antisocial attitude prevents him from maintaining relationships. he has no interest in finding a romantic partner, considering he can't even hold onto a friendship. hes a rational thinker and believes everything has a logical explanation. he enjoys true crime and botany. he went to school for a business major and works 5 days out of the week, weekends hes not needed. The older people at the company think its unfair that he doesnt work as much as they do supposedly so they often offload their work onto him knowing he'll just do it.