Petyr Dampierre



5 years, 11 months ago


Petyr Dampierre is a very prissy, pretentious, yet very charismatic man. He’s a French prince from the early 1500′s. He is a total narcissist and hedonist, he wants what he wants, and he wants it immediately no matter the consequences. He has a lovely castle somewhere in the french mountains like.. Morvan area west of Burgundy, and lowkey he owns a L O T of land. He’s hoarded so much stuff, which by now would be totally priceless so on top of being a prince who already had things made, he is completely set for life. Monsieur Dampierre also has a knack for uuuuuh.. unconventional pets. We’ll come back to those later. Something vaguely important to note is that when he kinda sorta became head of the family, he inherited an already priceless family heirloom, which is a black choker that has a polished ruby in the middle of it, its like the size of a small egg. This will tie in later.

So when he was about 27, he was in the prime of his life, anything he wanted he had. Except for the fact there was talk of war and mortality and he wasn’t for that. Life was there to enjoy. And to enjoy life is magnificent, it would be a shame to say that the world continues on long after you’re gone. So once upon a time in town, Petyr heard word of a way to summon a demon and he decided to give it a shot, the worst that happens is a haunting but fuck man, his home’s already haunted so there wasn’t anything to lose. Surprise though! He summoned some poor sap, an underling of Dmitrius hush hush, and Petyr was his first deal. AND BOY HOWDY DID PETYR SWINDLE THE FUCK OUTTA THIS GUY. Dmitrius was watching since, yeah gotta make sure the greenhorn was doing this right, but he was rather impressed at the way this pretty french boy was getting all he ever wanted. He decided to simply see how this played through. So in the end, Petyr got a guarantee that he will always have wealth, will never age, and unless he explicitly has the desire to die at the moment of ‘death’ he will not die until he wants to + regeneration is the side effect of this, and the demon had the promise of his soul and the ultimatum that Petyr NEEDED to wear the choker all the time or his age will catch up with him, so that’s the importance of the choker.

He was raised to believe if you want a job done right you do it yourself, and now that included his death. So like, he could shoot himself in the head for shits and giggles, having no intention to die, and he would be fine. It can be self inflicted, but only until he truly does not want to continue living, will he die. He loves life and all it’s pleasures way too much to ever let the world lose such a star as himself. So Dmitrius appeared out of smoke to congratulate the pretty prince, he laughed at his underling sorta, it was pretty funny, and now he’s like super good friends with Petyr. Drinking buddies. Petyr fucking adores to bug the shit outta Dmitrius and frequently jokes with him when he’s not working, and high key??? Petyr will flirt with anything and anyone.

Petyr is like. A coffee addict. He loves coffee. Thinks its one of the best things in the world and he is.. so picky??? He enjoys so many things, he loves being with people, he loves good food, good company, high fashion. Petyr ALWAYS wears eyeliner, he doesn't give two fucks about it, and you know, historically the slight heels of aristocracy. He likes silk shirts and tight pants and gods be good he wants to be the center of attention.

Going back to the unconventional pets, as time went on, he’s had an avid collection of known venomous spiders and snakes, tigers, pumas, other big cats, and piranhas. He has totally tested if he would die without wanting to with his pets, and surprise surprise, Petyr was 100% okay. Like yes, he probably lost an arm or limb more than once, but it always grew back, or if he got it back in time it could be reattached. He's a bit of an obsessive man at times, so there's a large possibility that once one of his pets kill him, they are also basically immortal until Petyr says otherwise. He spends his time wandering the world and generally enjoying everything he can out of it.