[Grem2] Anastasia



8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Name ||


Alias ||

Anna, Annie

Pronouns ||


Species ||




Ears ||

Moth (exclusive)

Neck ||

Moth (exclusive)

Tail ||

Moth (exclusive)

Mutation ||

Cherub x2


Theme: 'Saturn' by Sleeping At Last

This shy Grem2 was bought for the sole purpose of being the hospice caretaker of a nice man ailing from a terminal illness. Well meaning, gentle, and caring, Ana spent all her time doing all it took to keep her owner happy and as healthy as he could possibly be. However, due to the nature of his illness he passed away, leaving Ana ownerless and up for adoption to a new family, however, despite being well aware that his death was inevitable, she still found blame in herself for it happening. Grief stricken and having lost the only family and friend she had known, she fled into the forests on the outskirts of town to live out her life on her own rather than find a new family. She now spends much of her time on her own, taking care of the little patch of wilderness she now called her home, tending to flowers, growing fruits and vegetables, and caring for any ailing or needy animals that happen to wander her way.

Personality: Shy, timid, cautious, gentle and kind.

Friendships: Anastasia has a very hard time finding friends in other Grem2 or humans. She fears bonding with anyone due to remembering the pain she once felt upon the loss of her previous owner, afraid that it could happen again. While initially she will avoid contact with other Grem2s or humans, if one is persistent enough, or kind enough, she will slowly but surely let her guard down. Regardless, she is tough to break of her cautious personality, even if she's gotten to know someone quite well, typically keeping her own emotions and personal opinions shut in and never out in the open for fear of getting hurt. Once those barriers are broken, however, she becomes a fiercly loyal friend.

Significant Other: Anastasia found her significant other in a reserved Grem2 by the name of Brendol. Their first meeting had been a rather disasterous one, Brendol having gone into the woodlands in search of reptiles to handle or study and possibly add to his owner's collection, when he had stumbled across Ana. Ana, being as timid as she is, was terrified of this snake-like Grem2 and immediately fled. Bren, curious as he is, left her alone that first time but returned every few days to see if he could see her once more, Ana always staying mostly out of sight and in hiding, despite Bren's gentle words that he just wanted to talk and meet a potential new friend. While Ana remained scared and shy, Bren stayed determined, and after a few weeks of Bren simply spending some time to himself out in the forest, Ana mustered the courage to show herself. Brendol was first to speak and tell about himself and who he was and what he did, while Ana remained reserved, quite, but a very good listener. Over time and many subsequent visits to the forest to meet his newfound, if not a little shy, friend, Anastasia gradually began to open up to him. Now the two spend hours together in the forest enjoying each other's company and the quietness of nature. Brendol is one of the few who has been able to break down Ana's walls and get her on the path of recovery from her past experiences.