
6 years, 2 days ago


Full name: Aggrovation.

Pronunciation: Ahgg-Row-Vay-Shun

Nickname(s) or Alias: Aggro.

Gender: Male

Species: Typical Western Dragon.

Age: Adult, around 30-35 in human years.

Sexuality:  He doesn’t know. He’s never met another dragon apart from his family.

Place of birth: TBA

Currently lives: TBA

Relationship Status: Single

Height: Huge. [[AKA I don’t know.]]

Weight: Fat. [[See above.]]

Figure/build:  Stocky.

Scales: Mainly a deep, dark grey with no scale markings. His belly scales are a  silverfish grey along with all horns on his body except for the main 2  (the straight and curled ones) on his head.

Eye colour: deep ochre (a burnt orange).

Scars/distinguishing marks:  His three teeth sticking out from his lips are probably his most noted feature except for his horns.

Items: None.


Personality: Aggro is an aloof, quiet sort of guy. He lives his life in routines and  never makes any effort to communicate with others. Like the grumpy  neighbor who only leaves his house to buy groceries and otherwise yells  at kids to get off his lawn. Aggro is rather nasty and violent to  anything he perceives as a threat but it mostly stems from his lack of  interaction. [[More later]].

Likes: His alone time, gems and shiny objects, calm lakes and scenery.

Dislikes: Other large males. People in his house.

Fears/phobias: I can’t define it yet, but his childhood wasn’t great.

Parents names:  Acanthous (His father) and Esmeralda (His mother)

Are parents alive or dead? Alive.

Is the character still in contact with their parents?  He left his homelands pretty much as soon as he fledged.

Siblings? Relationship with siblings? He has some siblings but he doesn’t know their whereabouts and truthfully he doesn’t really care.

Other Important Relatives: None.

Partner/Spouse: None.

Children: None.

Best Friend: None.

Other Important Friends: None.