


5 years, 11 months ago


Festa is the god of media and technology. He has been around, in a physical form, since the mid 1870's.

Festa can become what humanity as a whole wants to see; he can change his form fluidly, become whoever he wanted to be, sound like whoever he wanted, and the only thing that remained to prove his inhuman, immortal status was his eyes. Red eyes when he is serious and upset, and gold when he’s happy, childish and full of wonder. Every form he found himself creating, when not mimicking the stars of the times, would always be unreasonably attractive to the average eye, whether it was male or female. Although Festa always leaned towards a more masculine form, he would not deny the beauty that all humans held. Besides a natural charisma and miasma of longing, Festa draws people in and is always able to hold their attention. It is a gift from his creation, a tribute to the faith and belief, and his promise of escapism and a change of the daily rut of life. People tend to lose themselves in Festa’s presence, becoming ensnared in his charm. In turn, he thrives off people and loves to constantly surround himself, indulging the whims of those around him.

He is constantly enamoured with life itself. With love, with attention. He is the media. He is the internet. He is technology.
Festa is what humanity relies on most. 

Festa in his own age of enlightenment, has developed uncontrollable mood swings. There are people angry, people sad, people that are happy, every emotion, and they’re constantly sharing everything all at once. The media influences people’s emotions as much as the media itself is influenced in turn, by the public. The prevailing incident is that the reach this God has over the globe itself has gone to his head, fueling a megalomania that is within justifiable reason. The fact that Festa is so self aware of the influence he has, and how much power he truly holds, makes him as dangerous as the Gods of old were considered, if not more so. People depend on Festa, they rely and are devoted to him, to the media, and to the technology around them that is never more than a fingertip away.

Festa has never shied away from humanity, or being a public figure. Rather, he prefers it, basking in all forms of attention. Using glamour to deter humanity from thinking things over too much, or asking him too many questions he should not answer. The undying gazes, the adoration, the affection, all of this acts as offerings to the deity of technology and media. The influx of constant information however, has left Festa with a bit of a complex, a codependency that can be considered unhealthy, especially when he find humans that he likes. In short, he is easily obsessed.

He can become obsessed with himself, with a flash fad, though by far the most lengthy obsessions are with individuals, with people themselves. When prompted, and even when not, Festa could say he believes in love at first sight, and in the next second say that all love is a sham, but he would faithfully remain by a human’s side simply because he took a real shine to them. When Festa is obsessed with a human, it is considerably similar to love, but the God wants his chosen human’s attention all the time, and for that person to only have eyes for him and him alone. He wants the obsession to be mutual, and it would ultimately become unhealthy and detrimental to the mortal’s health. His capability of this dangerous ‘love’, his megalomania and one track minded obsession is Festa’s greatest weaknesses, and his greatest enemy is himself.

Festa is a new god. Those blessed by him will always have full signal, full battery, and no malfunctions or glitches with any electronic device