


5 years, 11 months ago


Aizen is one of Festa's older brothers. He is also one of the 'new' gods.
He is the god of mining, and Aizen is a bitter and jaded man. Aizen was in his prime during the gold rush, and then, after that, he died. Though seeing that mining is still a vaguely prominent profession, although we are using nearly everything, he has come back. It is not unusual for Gods to die multiple times, but it definitely cause Aizen to become a hermit, even from his own family. He wanted nothing to do with humanity, their greed caused his death and will be the death of themselves. He can control metal with a single touch, will precious gems and crystals from the ground, and change the very molecular structure of any rock he holds. You thought you were holding granite? Check again, now it's bismuth. He hates gold. He hates it with a passion. It is the very epitome of greed and he wants nothing to do with it. He also used to give freely to the humans he liked, back before the collapse, like, fist sized hunks of gold. But no longer. He prefers solitude and deems himself one of the only worthy beings to keep up the abandoned mines. He is patron saint and protector of miners.

Those blessed by Aizen will never have trouble finding precious or semi precious gems at their feet, its like they literally push out of the ground at their feet. Exploring mines, underground cave systems, and other subterranean places will never hold any danger or threat, and falling from great heights into rocks will feel like nothing more than jumping into ones bed.