Arte's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

FlareTheFallenOne Global Rules

1. Do not resale for more than you got them for unless you have added value to them in some way

2. Do not use them for: pedo, zoo, racist, LGBTQ+-phobia unless it’s part of their story

3. Don’t change plus sized to be small or small to plus sized unless for story purposes.

4. Characters you got for free are worth $0 unless you add value to them.


1. Just credit me, either one of my Toyhouse accounts (this one or SilverForest

2. You may use it for profit (ex: put it on a shirt, mug, etc) you did buy it after all

Sending me characters/trading with me

1. By sending me a character/design you’re agreeing that I may use that character in a story (both for profit or not), turn that character into a plushy (both for profit and not for profit), make a fursuit out of them (not for profit but would come with character if ever traded/sold), use them in any type of merchandise (ex: mugs, shirts, etc), and use them on other websites as mascots

2. I will always credit you for your design/art, and I will never use your art without permission, but by giving me a design you are relinquishing their ownership to me to use, if I ever make a profit off of them you may request an amount of said profit though. This rule does not apply to written content, as it does not feature the character’s design as much as it does their personality.

3. I will not trade a character I got for free unless I added art to them, please do not ask me to trade these characters, it’s just rude to trade something you got for free without adding value to it

More may be added to TOS if needed, please comment on this profile if you have questions