


8 months, 8 days ago


Character originated circa 2020 and is currently getting a redesign.

Inri, in trying to bring back the good ol' days of the Shadow_Silk era, proceeds to take Beta, Arthur, and Flask (heavily prominent figures of the era) and merge them into one being that is supposed to be the have-all of this old era. They go into an ecstatic state as they begin this project.

Since all gods cannot beat time (or mess with it for that matter), Joy turns into melancholy as they realize that creating an exact relic of the past is, in fact, impossible. The old designs are gone, and the newer designs do not feel right within the old era. Giving up entirely, the project was shelved, leaving a messed-up amalgamation of past times forgotten.

This project began to gain their own conscience, as that was formed way before they were shelved. From the get-go they knew something about them was wrong. Due to being a mix of three other characters, they had those characters' memories, but they were... off. Hazy. They were more aware than the others.

With this level of awareness, they had granted themselves the name "Europe", and co-exist among the other sonas, acting as more of a guide than anything.

Inri hates Europe in its entirety, dubbing them as a "failure" and refusing to have anything to do with them due to being incomplete. They also happen to be the only creature who refers to Europe as It/They.

- Europe refers to themselves as plural (We, us, and they use they/them pronouns. Although they are not opposed to the usage of he/she, they prefer the neutral term. Any usage of it/its tends to make them feel uncomfortable due to their... status.)
- Because Europe is hyper-aware, they know that they are an amalgamated mistake. With a lack of development from Inri's side, it makes them a lot more humble in comparison to the actual personalities of the characters they were meant to represent.
- Europe has large wings, but are uncapable of flying. Their past memories are so mixed up that they cannot pick apart which ones are related to flight.
- Despite having memories from the other three characters, Europe has a separate, self-conscious. The memories of the past feel more like dreams than they do actual memories because Europe has not lived through them, which explains the hazy-ness.

"We have a family... a spirit... a burning passion... but it doesn't feel at all real. None of it does."

Inri - Does not despise it, but does not like it either. They are aware of Inri's perfectionist tendencies when it comes to its craft, so they do not blame the God for discarding them. They are, however, upset at being seen as lesser by the God because they are still a creation, finished or not.

[?] - They know who [?] really is. Only once have they had to comfort the embodiment of fear, but it was a very... neutral experience. Never again had they seen the vulnerability of such creature.