Jae's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

boeuf Global Rules

- Don't sell designs you got from me in a trade for money unless there has been a significant amount of art (commissioned or self-drawn) added to the character.

Also: If I made a free custom design for you/gave you a character completely free of charge and you no longer want it, please give it back to me.

- You can make as many edits to my designs as you like, even if it ends up looking like a completely different character. Just don't edit the original artwork, or 'split it off' into a new character; it's still ultimately my design and art you used as a starting point. You may not remove my credit as creator at any point.

- Do not create species out of my designs without permission. You are free to make "sibling"/"child" designs as long as you do not sell them or trade them off individually.

Refer to my full TOS here if anything here is unclear!