


7 months, 22 days ago


73311797_09A6F68rQwR4HuW.png This cat is seeking roles (Mate/Enemies/Friends)!
Name Scorchpelt

Former Names Shadekit

Gender He/Him

Orientation Straight

Apprentice Swallowpaw

Mentor Marshcry (Formerly)

Rank Warrior

Residence Shadowclan

Age 34 moons


A large brown and black tabby tom with yellow eyes. He has an old ear nick from battle practice as an apprentice. After the fire, he developed streaks of orange fur where it grew back once the burns healed. He has some facial scars where the fur didn’t grow back along with a missing ear tip.

After an injury from a fox, he lost the eye and ear on the right side of his face. The large scar is void of any fur on that half and a cut on his muzzle reveals a few of his teeth.


An easy-going tom who enjoys helping, especially after his warrior career nearly ended early. Sometimes he can be too agreeable even if he isn't sure an idea is good. He's brave and always willing to protect those who need it. It takes a lot to make him angered.

  • His clanmates
  • Hunting
  • Being useful to his clan
  • Dry weather/droughts, which may cause another fire
  • Arguments
  • Pointless battles


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

PRE-RP(30 moons at start of rp)

He was born as Shadekit and raised in Shadowclan by his parents, Dappledfeather and Needletuft, during a time of conflict between Shadowclan and Windclan. He didn't see the fighting during kithood, as he was kept in the safety of the camp.

However, even as an apprentice he was often seen as too young to see much of the war but ended up losing his father, Needletuft, in one of the battles. His mentor, Marshcry, trained him to be tough and mostly focused on defensive moves just in case he ever ran into an enemy Windclan patrol. Most of his time as an apprentice however was spent hunting to help keep the clan fed and strong for the next attack.

By the time he got his warrior name, Shadestripe, the fighting had ended. However the peace didn't last in Shadowclan. A dry spell ended in a fire that spread to the camp. The flames and smoke would take the life of his mentor during the clan’s escape. Shadestripe was helping the queens and kits flee the nursery when some branches fell on him. The tom managed to escape with the help of his clanmates but not without injury.

For a while, it was unclear if he'd be fit to return to warrior duties due to the burns he'd sustained or if he'd have to retire early, as his mother Dappledfeather had—due to smoke inhalation. He was relieved when the medicine cat finally deemed him well enough to return to warrior duties. While most of his fur grew back in the burned areas, it took on an orange color that would lead to his name being changed to Scorchpelt—a name he finds pride in, as it's a reminder of how he survived.

He was happy to receive Swallowpaw as his apprentice. Scorchpelt is a young warrior but is determined to do his best to pass on what he knows to his apprentice.


Is concerned about Swallowpaw’s mishap and trespassing into Windclan territory but glad Saffronstar still allowed his apprentice to go to the gathering. While at the gathering he mostly lingered and observed but ended up in a conversation with two Riverclan cats. He found Ottersplash’s questions about his burns and the past fire in Shadowclan odd but amusing while the silent Floodcurrent didn’t really make an impression on him.

He’d note the tension between Lightningstar and Saffronstar during the announcements but doesn’t think anything will come of it.

Despite the rainy weather and a fox scented in the territory, Shadowclan did pretty well in the coming moon. Scorchpelt would take Swallowpaw to see the old camp, which she seemed excited about. He told his apprentice about how the old camp had been laid out, a few of his own memories involving his apprentice and warrior ceremony, and how his own mentor had lost his life during the fire there. However, he'd lighten up the mood again with a training session, teaching Swallowpaw how to team hunt and find hidden prey under rocks and fallen branches. She started to get the hang of it and he promised to take her back eventually if she'd like to train some more there.

The moon after wasn't so forgiving. Saffronstar's lack of action had caused the foxes to overtake Shadowclan's territory. Prey was becoming scarce and hunting was made dangerous with all the foxes around. When apprentices, including Swallowpaw, decided to fix the issue themselves they'd find out about the deceased Smallfinch and Maplegaze would soon be lost try to rescue her son. Grave losses but it spurred the clan into action. Even he had to speak out against Saffronstar for allowing this to happen and he joined Duskrose's patrol to save the clan.

While helping to hold down one of the foxes, jaws would whip around and bite at his face. The pain made him let go but it was too late. Other clanmates in the patrol had attacked and Duskrose killed the fox. He stayed back from attacking the other adult fox, instead heading to their den in search of their clanmate's bodies. He found cubs and, despite hating the idea of killing young, knew they'd turn into cat-killers too and thus... ended them swiftly despite the pain it caused his wound. Safe, he pulled the bodies out of the den, speaking up that they should bury them rather than take them back for a vigil.

He would head back to camp with the rest of the patrol, job done. After briefly reassuring Swallowpaw that he'd be okay, he saw himself to the medicine den. It would take a while for him to get used to losing half his vision but at least the clan was safe and he'd recover... With a nasty scar. He would gladly hear Duskrose proclaim she would take over as leader now that Saffronstar had seemingly abandoned them, fleeing sometime during their patrol. Stormpath would become deputy, a respectable choice in the warrior's mind. He hopes with these two leading the clan things can start looking up for Shadowclan once more.

As the next few moons pass, Scorchpelt impatiently waits for his wound to get better. In that time, his mother would join him in the medicine den as the cold air and lack of prey takes a toll on her health. Coughing fits from the damage past smoke inhalation had done and hunger weakened her imune system and saw her fall ill. Scorchpelt would force himself to try helping with bringing her what little prey the clan could find but eventually watched as Dappledfeather passed away.

Grieving his loss, his consolation is that his wound is still healing well. Scorchpelt is working on adapting to his new range of vision with the help of Duskstar and getting back into training Swallowpaw. He's still taking things easier than before at the insistance of keeping his health in mind, but is happy to help with what he can with times so tough. At least the fox fur keeps their nests warm but prey is difficult to find and he's skipped more than a few meals so that the apprentices could eat.


  • Voice Claim: Joel McHale
  • Scorchpelt follows the code but isn’t one to enforce it with an iron paw, he’s aware things happen and cats aren’t perfect

  • Friends and Enemies from any clan. (though he's pretty nice so not sure he'd have many enemies)
  • A Mate! Preferably a cat from Shadowclan or a cat willing to join his clan
    • He'd like kits one day & wants to be part of their lives so being in the same clan is important for him
    • He also wouldn't mind acting as a father figure for other cats or adopting kits too!

Mother, †

His caring mother who was always riddled with anxiety for his safety as a kit due to the war with Windclan. Since her early retirement due to asthma brought on by the fire in camp, he like to take breaks to go on light walks or hunting trips and spend time with her (when she's feeling up to it). He's saddened by her passing and hopes now she can rest easy in Star Clan.

Father, †

He never saw his father much before the tom died in the war with Windclan. From what he heard, he was a tough warrior.

Former Mentor, †

He respected and looked up to his mentor as a father figure alongside being his mentor. He was sad he couldn't save Marchcry from the fire, but the queens and kits came first in the situation and he knows Marshcry would have agreed.


His first ever apprentice! Scorchpelt loves training with her so far and enjoys how curious and eager to learn his apprentice is. He just knows that one day she'll be a great Shadowclan warrior.

Riverclan Warrior

A Riverclan warrior who he had a conversation with at a gathering. Ottersplash was odd but their interaction was pleasant.

Riverclan Warrior

He doesn't have much of an opinion of the tom, as he's only met him once at a gathering. But he doesn't seem like the social type.


His leader and the mother of his apprentice. He's already held great respect for her and seeing her take over after Saffronstar seems like the right choice for Shadowclan. Scorchpelt also appreciates her help with adapting to life with one eye.


The new deputy for Shadowclan after Duskrose took over. He thinks the choice was well made and believe Stormpath will be a much different deputy than Wolfcatcher was.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce blandit tellus non diam tincidunt elementum. Mauris vestibulum urna non egestas euismod. Vivamus eros ipsum.