
Everyone has a rival. For Pia the goblin, her's is the cooler Pia. Where Pia is a creep and make other people uncomfortable, the cooler Pia is a kind and popular lady who loves helping her community with potions. She's even popular with the ladies, unlike the other Pia.


In a small swamp village, it's local hero Pia lives there. Defending it from beasts and bandits with her impressive potion making skills. She also helps the villagers there with whatever problems they have. Always putting their priorities above hers.


She's a jolly lady who loves helping people no matter how small it is. Smiling all the way as she does it. Love everything in life and is known to walk around the swamp and enjoy it's natural beauty. 


* Is a trans woman but was happy already with how she look so she didn't change her body.