Coco (Splatoon OC)



8 months, 8 days ago

Basic Info






She / Her





Weapon Of Choice

Splat Dualies



-Her default ink colour is light blue

-Her usual gear set is Short Beanie, Forge Octarian Jacket and Blue & Black Squidkid III

-Her hairstyle is the Hippie hairstyle

-She has a scar on the top of her head and her back, in which drip ink violently when she is under stress

-Her eyes are blue and orange

-Her muscles are visible, just not too defined

-She is 5'5"


Coco was born and raised in Inkopolis. She grew up loving adventure and fun, craving the day that she was allowed to turf. Her parents however were quite against the idea, feeling that she would injure herself or worst. Coco, obviously unhappy with this, sort loopholes of sorts, playing 1v1 turf wars with her siblings, and attending local turf war matches (She was allowed to watch, but not to participate) This boredom all built up until one day, whilst wandering around the city, she accidentally fell through the sewer system of Inkopolis, ending up in Octo Valley unsupervised. Coco's curiosity got the better of her, and she began to wander around, exploring the kettles. She had quite a few close calls with Octarians, but managed to always avoid escalating conflict by sneaking around and running from danger. In one of the kettles she encountered an Octoling, who after a bit of a fight, splatted her. While in the process of respawning, Agent 3 (who happened to be ahead of her in the kettle, unaware of Coco) removed the zapfish powering the area, causing the respawn process to be interrupted. Coco was entirely conscious, but without form as she floated in a sort of limbo in the spawner. 

As time went on, she was joined in the spawner limbo by an Elite Octoling, Serin, who had been tasked with patrolling the area, only to have the floor cave in on her. While the two were in the same spawner, neither could communicate with the other, or was even aware of the other's presence. Eventually, after 6 years of endless nothingness (In which the events of the Splatoon 1, Splatoon 2 and Octo Expansion unfold) the dome in which held the spawner had power restored to it. Coco and Serin had finally respawned. Coco had lost a sense of self in their time in limbo, and had genuinely forgotten their own gender, temporary going by They/Them pronouns (Oooooo i really don't wanna be insensitive but i think giving them temporary they them pronouns is cool uwehhh). The Octoling technician who had restored power to the dome knew of Octarians getting stuck in respawners, but didn't expect an Inkling to be stuck in the domes. Coco tries to convince the Technician to help them make their way to the surface, and Serin vouches for them, knowing the pain that they both had to endure was too extreme to both with petty rivalry, so the two Octolings disguise Coco to make it look like they were brainwashed into the Octarian army, making a flawless and stealthy escape back to Inkopolis. When on the surface, Coco says their goodbyes and parts from the two Octolings. Much had changed while they were gone, with the main difference being most of the Inkopolis moving to Splatsville. After failing to find any of their family, and almost falling into a depression, they eventually made the choice to move to Splatsville as well, to either locate their family, or start over as a completely different person. It is with this shift of cities that Coco tries to rediscover themself, using She/Her pronouns and attempting to rid herself of the many problems that the respawner incident left her with.


Coco was once very outgoing, brash and over confident. She had an interest in everything and lacked any self preservation. Her demeanor and personality was flipped on it's head however after the respawner accident, as her confidence was dissolved, leaving her shy and nervous. She is much more cautious of everything and everyone now, and although not developing a fear of respawners themselves, is quite fearful of being splatted or even sleeping, ensuring that the amount of time she sleeps a day is a minimal as possible. While she gained a few fears from the accident, she also tends to be less scared of ordinary spooks. Her excuse is that "When you've been on the line between life and death for so long, the only thing one can fear is death" but she isn't quite convinced with this reasoning. She also thinks it sounds dumb in hindsight. She is respectful of everyone and although she'll never admit it, prefers the company of Octolings to Inklings (she doesn't hate Inklings, they just tend to be louder) with an exception to that preference being Shay (the bestie :3). When Coco is with friends, she tends to open up more, and makes an attempt to try and talk (otherwise she only talks when someone needs an answer from her other than yes or no). 

During battle her personality is somewhat the same externally, however internally her body is running on over drive. She gets shaky hands during heated battles, as well as twitching a lot, but this usually doesn't detract from her performance. In full concentration all respect for the enemy team is lost as she sees them only as targets in the road of an objective.


SIDE ORDER Backstory

Coco was convinced to search Inkopolis Square in the hope that her family was there, however she fell asleep on the train ride there, being sucked into the Memverse via her sea-cucumber phone. When she is sucked in, the events of side order haven't yet kicked off, therefore she is not accompanied by Pearl, Marina or Acht. Coming to and having seen nothing else to do but scale the Tower of Order, Coco makes her way to the elevator, traversing her way up the tower, eventually encountering Marina Agitando (under the influence of Order). She puts up a fight with the mind controlled octoling but the fight takes too long due to her intense emotions causing her palette to become unreliable. Marina eventually summons the Parallel Canon to finish Coco off, which they do successfully. After being splattered, Coco is greyscaled against her will and after attempting to put up a fight, fully succumbing to Order's control. Once fully greyscaled, she joined Order's army as a Parallel Canon, The Tower of Order's defense force. Her appearance was somewhat reverted back to that of how she looked once she finally escaped the respawner.

Unable to free herself, all Coco could do is wait for someone (She’d simply refer to whoever would save her as Knight in her internal monologue, as she couldn’t remember any of her friends names) to free her of Order's control. Her body in the Memverse has repaired itself of some flaws (not including her head and back scars) the most important being that of her back wound no longer playing up, causing her to splat for no reason (basically she doesn't lag like she does in true online play :p). This small fix causes her to become more dangerous inside the Memverse than how she would be outside of it.

SIDE ORDER Personality

While under the control of order she is stripped of her sense of self, and her will. 99% under Order’s influence, Coco has almost no clue what she is doing. Brainwashed to believe in Order’s world views, she won’t falter from following direct orders from either Order or her fellow parallel canon. She is unable to understand Inklish or Octarian, therefore she cannot be reasoned with words, nor feel sympathy for anyone climbing the tower. She feels an underlying sense of loneliness however, in which Order keeps convincing her that she’d never be lonely in a world of Order as no one would leave her. This convincing works however her longing for connection grows as the numbers of Parallel canon dwindle. Deep down the 1% of her left yearns for freedom. 

SIDE ORDER Long Term Effects

From how frantic she was dodge rolling and how long Coco was fighting Marina, she ripped her knees open. She refused to take a break after she returned to the real world, agitating the wounds even more until she is forced by her friends to take a break to allow for her knees to heal. Eventually they do heal over but leave scars behind.
(Lore is still being added to :3)

Extra Information

-Due to being stuck in a respawner for so long, her body had lost the ability to remember how to reform certain parts of her body, with the main offender being her back. Unable to solidify, her back is made up of her own ink, which leaks more when under stress. It is because of this that she has to wear either extra shirts or change constantly. She's quite sensitive about it, and tends to snap or avoid the subject when brought up.

-She still visits Inkopolis in order to search for her family, and just reminisce in general. She's glad that the population had started to boom again (Inkopolis Plaza DLC), as she hated seeing the city she grew up in slowly die.

-Coco kept the Octarian armor and goggles she used to disguise herself when leaving the domes as a memento (And cause she thinks it looks cool).

-Coco can't cook for the life of her. The only dish she'd be legally allowed to make is spaghetti. 

-Although she doesn't participate in salmon run much, King Salmonoids tend to commonly appear within her dreams (These are not nightmares however)

-Coco has to be convinced not to commit crimes, having somewhat of a warped perspective of right and wrong.

-Knows how to speak nearly fluently in Octarian and Inklish, and is attempting to learn the language of salmonoids 

Coco QNA

Eventually i'll have Coco answer some questions my friends have but for now this section is unfinished.

Songs and Related Audio

Perfect Pair - Lovejoy Cover
Perfect Pair has the same feel to it that I'd imagine Coco's thoughts would have. Very slow and melancholy, i think of this song a lot when writing her.

Coco themed playlist:

Replaced Links

Shay - "My first real friend since... the incident. Their chaotic nature tends to rub off on those around them, even I feel it fighting alongside them, it's quite impressive really. I'd never want to be on the wrong end of their brush. Although i do ponder at times what someone as seemingly fearless as Shay would fear..."