Psyche (Genshin)



8 months, 15 days ago


Psyche (Psych-ee)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Likes: Butterflies, Forget Me Nots, STEM

Dislikes: Delusions, Fatui, Traveler

Occupation: Researcher/Scientist in Fontaine

Weapon: Claymore

Element: Anemo

Pysche is a defective segment of Il Dottore, one that had found its own moral compass and felt disgust at the actions of her fellow Segments, so she ran from Schneznaya and removed anything the other segments could have used to locate her, promptly changing her identity in the midst of it. Upon reaching Fontaine, she sought help from the Cheif of Justice, Neuvillette and the Hydro Archon herself. A deal was struck, that as long as she used her knowledge to help further Fontaine's research and would eventually come to stand against any Fatui that may come to trial, she would be offered safety within the falls of Fontaine. So she has kept her promises, and made a good life for herself, even coming so far as to make friends with colleagues around her.


Romantic Interest: Neuvillette

Acquaintances: Navia, Furina, Clorinde

Enemies: Il Dottore + Segments

Mildly Dislikes: Traveler