39 Crowns's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Beartronica Global Rules

a mini rule set for my designs so people will know.

-I do not mind if you redesign the design I make you, it’s yours now anyway, just please do not remove my credit for the OG design (unless the new design looks absolutely nothing like the original)

-you may sell designs you have bought from me. No extra art needed. But you must keep it at the price you paid for it if you did not get any art for em. (If you did get more art of said character, then you can increase the price.)

-you can not sell designs you have gotten for free from me. (They can only be traded off)

-if you got a design from me in a trade, you can only sell if you get extra art of them. (Can trade anytime)

-please at least keep the design for a week before re-selling/re-trading. But you may regift the design at anytime.

-I do not block a lot of people, but if I have you blocked or by some chance, you have me blocked, I think it would be best you don’t own one of my designs. (not saying to give it back or whatever, but it just won’t be for the best to own a design if that is the case.)