


8 months, 3 days ago


Basic Info:

Gremcats are simply silly gremlins that are generally cat shaped (but can be shaped as other animals too). Their tough paw pads help them walk on the rough terrains of their home planet, Arimara (Ah-ree-mahr-ah). Some are born with a condition that gives them too many eyes for their sockets, and so they switch out occasionally. Any excess eyes stay in the mouth, and can do this due to the eye's ability to change size based on needs. Their antennae help them feel around and gather information in place of using their eyes. Their stomachs and chests are extremely sensitive, due to their brains being buried within them, along with their eyes. They are almost never born without eyes and antennae, as these are extremely important for their survival on Arimara. The antennae not only sense smell, but are able to understand and pick up how someone's brain waves are working. This tells them how someone is feeling, without them having to look, however it can cause them to get overwhelmed by too many emotions surrounding them.


When Gremcats die, their loved ones perform a ritual that causes their souls to rise from their corpses and become visible ghosts. As ghosts, they may no longer open their eyes, and their eyeball(s) floats/float around them. They also lose their original coloration, becoming the color of their soul (generally there is only one color.. however in some cases there is a mix. This is very uncommon). They emit a soft glow, painting Arimara with beautiful colors in the night. After the ritual, at any point the ghost may either ascend and become a newborn star, or be reincarnated and start anew. Either way, their loved ones throw one last celebration for them before they go. Death is never the end in their society, and so no one is mourned when death do they part.

IF A GREMCAT HAS NO LOVED ONES OR PEOPLE TO PERFORM THE RITUAL, THEY STAY DEAD! Their souls are trapped inside of their corpses until someone releases them. They will rot and their soul will waste away, until their soul is but a shred of what it once was, and becomes a broken down, dull grey form. They can still become a ghost, but they will be heavily despondent and apathetic, as if they aren't there anymore. In any case, this whole situation is very rare.


Gremcats have many different diet types, and will usually stick to one type their whole life. Here are a few diet types:




☆Photovore (Allowed only if they have plant features or growths)


Gremcats speak using a variety of noises, but most are similar to how a cat meows. However, Gremcats have the ability to use their "meows" to replicate more... human language noises, and are excellent at repeating and learning new ways to speak new languages. Common words and phrases they can learn are ones such as "Hello," and "My name is...".



Gremcats have reproductive systems similar to that of a human. They mate with a partner either for life or as a "one-night stand", but almost never for the purpose of pleasure. They almost exclusively mate for the purpose of reproduction.


Gremcat reproductive systems are decided upon birth as a human's are, however unlike humans it is extremely easy to change their birth gender, and the changes are not permanent. For example, a male could go to a female and be able to reproduce as a female would, but if said Gremcat decided to no longer be female, they could switch back and have a regular male reproductive system again. This goes for a born female too. Essentially this means that being trans is not provided with issues, as they can change their reproductive systems to match their identity through various procedures.

Examples of what can be done with them:

☆Any coloration anywhere

☆Any Tail and Ears; As many or as little

☆Any Tooth/Antenna/Eye Shape

☆Antennae can be placed anywhere

☆Any Fur; Longer or Shorter

☆Any Eyes; As many or as little

☆Extra Limbs/Heads


☆Any Skin Material (Feathered, Scaled, Furred, Glass, Combination, etc.)

☆Paw Pads

☆Any changed anatomy (Longer Legs, Bent Neck, etc.)

☆Plant growths (Enables Photovore Diet)

☆Wear Clothes/Accessories

☆Any other trait you want (ex.: Horns)

Examples of what can't be done with them:

☆No visible Nostrils or Noses

☆No removal of all Antennae, UNLESS due to a physical defect or damage being done to them causing removal

☆No sexualizing them

☆   NOTE: I am actively working on changes for these goobers... so this information is subject to slight change or reorganizing.   ☆