General Lore Junk



7 months, 23 days ago


The real lore gets a bit complicated, and involves 3 people. The original Person, and the two androids they become (Hunnie and Zero(name in the works)

I’m also struggling to remember words, apologies for things sounding a bit weird TvT


Pandora 💫 () / X (


Em was a regular human who volunteered for a consciousness transfer program being ran by a highly advanced tech company called Void Tech. Their reasons for volunteering were heavily due to insecurities and struggles they’ve lived with, and another potential idea I’ve been bouncing around with is if magic also exist in this world, they dabbled in a specific type of magic that the more it’s developed and mastered, the more it alters the user’s appearance (Soul magic is an entire other system to go into that’s still being worked on)

During the selection process, Em made their answers more neutral and in the interest of seeing the advancement of this technology, and how it could help others. But with one of the researchers who they fell into casual conversations with, it slipped the real reasons they wished to volunteer, (This sparked towards the creation of Hunnie)


Pandora 💫 () / X (


Zero was created thru the consciousness transfer program. Except it wasn’t a transfer, but a copy of Em’s consciousness was used, not that they’re aware of it. There’s not much that can be said on their end and they are not aware of anything else that happened, but they do have issues of their own that they deal with as a result of this. Being an android now, and even with technology as advanced as it is, processing the human mind 100% is not possible due to it’s complexity. They believed this would be a fix to one problem, but it only turned it into another, as now having to high an emotional response causes overheating and even more struggle processing and connecting with others. Making them more of a shell of Em.

Zero is closest in appearance to Em.


🐝 Eloi 🐝 OCT #KOMIKET2023 21-22🐝 (@eloihime) / X (


After Em’s consciousness was copied, they were taken away for an underground experiment that the company was doing without the green light, as it was highly unethical and inhumane.

I’ve been given suggestions for the end goal of this project, the main thing is it was in the best interest for the consumer, and not Em. The lightened idea from it, is making an escort, meant to just be pretty and hang around.

The researcher Em had talked to and slipped some of their insecurities to got closer to them and got them to open up more about it, marking them down as the perfect candidate, albeit unwilling, and never agreed to it.

Unlike Zero, who is purely machine minus the consciousness, parts of Em was made to create Hunnie, making them biomechanical. The procedure was very long with many tests to be done. After it’s near completion, Hunnie managed their escape, and it was not clean, nor easy. Because of what happened, they are in heavy denial. Rejecting the memories and truth and making up their own story of what happened. They have even broken and ‘repaired’ their body to try and make it their own once again.

The Aftermath

Pandora 💫 () / X (


Enough of Em’s physical body remained to get it into treatment, but what came out of recovery was not the same person, if a person anymore.