Victoria "Vic" Bridgers



8 months, 4 days ago


victoria "vic" bridgers. twenty-six. cis female — she/her. saluki. lesbian. used to be a theatre kid and it's very clear. an actress who became known through her work in well-received movies in the drama and thriller genres, co-starred in a few hit horror movies and is considered a bit of a 'scream queen' as a result. has recently started starring in cheesy romcoms. thinks she's hot shit and she is hot shit. gets undermined by those around her quite a lot and acts like a cunt to most people as a result but if you're actually nice to her, you couldn't meet anyone sweeter. grew up modestly but her family could never quite hit white collar. couldn't afford college and narrowly missed the qualifications to get a full ride so she worked as a waitress until she started landing considerable acting gigs, now she has online classes she takes during her breaks on set.  

has a strong love for early to mid 2000s pop. is too busy to have an actual pet so she owns little marimo moss balls, five in total: tara, gwen, ingrid, nelly, and adhesive. loves pink a horrifying amount. kind of a lonely woman because she doesn't know how to make friends in the celebrity world (that are genuine) but nobody outside of it treats her normally, either. loves wearing bows in her hair and around her throat. enjoys wandering around malls. always knows the best night clubs to go to depending on the day.

moodboard. playlist.