
8 months, 1 day ago


Taxa MYO-255


Taxa was one of the earliest experiments with Frankensteining that Isidorius ever undertook: he wanted to test the supposed instability of mutt DNA, and chose to do so by splicing together some of the most unstable mutts he had access to. Both of them had full shapeshift abilities at the time; both of them were said, by the authorities, to have highly unstable -- even monstrous -- personalities. When Isidorius sewed the skin of one onto the other, he was highly interested to know if the resulting creature would even survive.

It did. And as testing proceeded, Isidorius could only conclude that it had grown less stable as a result. The idea barely crossed his mind that mental instability could be caused by torture -- he was certain it had to be something in the genetic code itself. He only stayed on the project a few months later, but the experiment continued after he left. An endless parade of scientists stepped up to observe and test Taxa. Years passed.

Rhecka's hack turned things on their heads. All of the scientists in Taxa's laboratory were hacked, becoming beasts controlled only by Rhecka, but Taxa -- who had no ID chip -- was left untouched. Suddenly the only true person in the room, Taxa found itself in an odd position. It explored the lab at its own leisure, using its size and strength to keep the hacked Iyzmiskans at bay until its curiosity was satisfied. Then, driven by a growing hunger, it ate them. When it ran out of food in the lab, it found its way out into Praque's streets.