Musical Spy



5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Chèrrence Bloom the Musical Spy




47 years old




Flowers, music, dancing, singing, dessert, fashion, smoking, magic, nature, happiness, smiles, loves his family a lot, and his friends.


Annoying people, darkness, sadness, technology, loud noises, being alone, evil.



He is not that normal Spy like the others, he has magical powers, and he has flowers around him, on his left eye, and a tree branch behind his back. The reason why he has a tree branch, it’s because he has a growing plant inside of his body, and it makes him growing more flowers around him, well, it can grow cherries 🍒 and blooms 🌸 Why does he has a flower on his eye? Well, because he damaged and lost his eye, and from the growing plant inside his body, it made him grow a flower on his eye. His name is Musical, because he is a singer, he loves to sing and dance. His teammates love his voice, when someone is feeling sad or down, he will sing them a song and make them feel happy, because Musical is a very happy person in Mann Co. He does have a split personality... His name is Creepy Rose Spy. He is inside of Musical’s body and he controls his body. He can make him going crazy, mad, and kill many people, or even his friends. When Musical is getting very angry, he will change himself as Creepy Rose. Most people are very scared of Creepy Rose, because he is a very insane person. He is married, his wife’s name is Candy ( she looks like RED Scout’s mom ), and he has a son and a daughter. His son’s name is Logan ( he is a RED Scout) and his daughter’s name is Sapphire ( she is only a baby girl ). Musical also has a split personality. His name is Creepy Rose Spy. It’s his inner demon. Creepy Rose looks similar like him, but it’s on BLU, his eye is red/black with an white "X", his flowers are in blue, covered in blood, and his tree branch is broken. 


Chèrrence is a very happy Mann. He is always nice, friendly, smart, kind, calm, positive and brave man. He always bring joy and happiness. If someone is feeling sad, he will always make them feel happy when he sings a happy song, giving hugs, and smiles. But he can be sometimes angry and serious only during battles against the other team. He's one of the powerful and strongest mercenary from the others. His powers might be dangerous, but he can handle the things by himself. He is mostly a fist fighter, he does use his hands with his magic, but he also fights without using weapons so mostly he punch bad people X'D

Background Story


  • Superhuman strength
  • Speed Teleportation 
  • Shape shifting
  • Invisibility
  • Floating
  • Healing
  • Poisoning
  • Growing any kind of plants on his body and on the ground, or wall as he touches with his hands
  • controlling the weather
  • protection shield
  • can lift way heavy things without using his powers (weights, cars, vans, and other heavy stuff)
  • he can break walls/weapons/chains and other heavy object using with his hands
  • changing to any kind of voices (he also have a demonic voice)
  • screaming loudly/in horror
  • making death stare
  • he uses his vines and flowers for any kind of magic and plus for attack
  • when he is angry, his flowers and his eye will change into red and his arm sleeves will be ripped
  • when he is sad, his flower, his eye and even his clothes will change into blue.

  • Loves singing and dancing
  • Baking sweets
  • Writing
  • Working and making clothes, he is a fashion designer
  • Teaching his kids how to use magic like him
  • Battling during battles with his team 
  • Spending time, or having fun with his friends on his team, mostly the Medic and Sniper 
  • He sometimes creates his own songs/music
  • Spending time with his family
  • Practicing his powers/spells