


5 years, 9 months ago


Age: 22

Birthdate: 9/25/1996

Gender: Male

Species: Gold lab (yes, I know his art is all over the place)

Because I Just Realized in All His Art His Eyes Are Closed: Reese's eyes are bright blue

Mate: Vani

Personality: Reserved, level-headed, optimistic, intelligent, gentle, but can be aggressive if he needs to be, protective

Likes: Mornings, tea, fall, reading, playing piano, French culture, learning languages, going on walks, cooking, writing

Dislikes: Robots, running, people who try to take advantage

Favorite Color: Tie between light orange and baby blue

Favorite Food: The boy LOVES him some frosting. Right out the can. His favorite is chocolate, or peanut butter when he can find it. He has his own stash, since Van loves it too and has been known to steal it.

Nicknames: Ree/ ReeRee (only Van is allowed to call him this), Buttercup (a joke between him and Oliver)

Clothes: Reese usually wears an unbuttoned blue flannel-type shirt with a white shirt underneath and jeans that are ripped on the right knee

Relationships: Nikki, Oliver, Valyarie, Asher, Maeve, Ava, Maxwell, Sirius, Gwen, Nirmala, Nellie, Audrey, Avery, Apollo

Random Facts: 

~Reese knows a little bit of French, and has always wanted to travel there

~He loves the morning time so much, he gets up at the crack of dawn every day 

~Boy loves him some tea

~He knows how to play the piano and singing, and sometimes he and Vani do duets

~His level-headedness balances out Vani's anxiety

~While Vani and his friends are adventurous, Reese is more of a 'stay in your comfort zone' kinda guy

~He seems like a pushover, but he's not stupid, he can tell if someone's trying to take advantage of him, and they are in for a surprise when he turns from gentle to aggressive on a dime

~Reese has an intense fear of animatronics and robots, stemming from an incident in his very early childhood. He obviously doesn't remember it, but gets inexplicably panicky around them. He will never set foot in a Chuck E. Cheese