Basic Info

Available for breedings;



Name: Alciel Ashwood | Gender: male | Age Range: appears mid 30's | Orientation: undecided | Relationship Status: SingleĀ 

Alciel's life has been intertwined with magic, practically from birth. Even at a very young age, he was teaching himself magic. He was a prodigy when it came to enchantments, spells, and innate magic but living in a rural area with no mages or spellcasters of any kind to tutor under wasted his talents. He was often ridiculed and teased for not being good at farm work, or being particularly strong, and his small stature at the time didn't help. Before he even reached the age of adulthood, he set out in search of a new kind of life and a mentor. He was fifteen, and much larger and stronger than he had been before both physically and magically. He was a bit of an imposing presence, but a witch took him under her wing to help him hone his craft. There he learned mostly about enchantments and was able to create his own focus items to help him hone and control his magic. He stayed there a little less than a year before he could learn no more, and moved onto the next teacher he could find. Over the course of five years he had grown and learned much about several branches of magical practices, becoming a powerful mage. Everything seemed to be going his way, he even met a young woman and intended to settle down into the forest near a town and work as a mage, but on his last adventure he angered a powerful demigod from the realm of the infernals who cursed him and his line. He now roams the world as a powerful warlock, searching for a way to break the curse on him and his line by any means necessary. As per the curse, he has won over many women and spawned several children, who he is cursed to never settle down around-- as he was warned it would bring nothing but misery to himself and them.

He is a very charismatic man, with a dark side. A magical savant, but very much so a loner. Because of his curse, he doesn't take apprentices either-- which is probably a good thing as he dabbles in dark magics now. He's one of the strongest magic users alive, and thanks to his curse nearly immortal.

Bred once when owned by Zeve; son | grandchild