


7 months, 20 days ago


memo 4th aug
aliases: just memo
gender: just a silly guy they/she
orientation: aroace
born: 4th aug
species: office supplies nekogirl
occupation: office supplies
residence: desk drawers
height: variable
eyes/hair: variable / blonde

Memo is the creation of ██████, a former employee of [REDACTED] Inc. She was born from the boredom of a man driven to insanity by the monotony of his 9-5 office job. He spent hours in his cubicle, filling in spreadsheets and never speaking to anyone. He went home every night to his empty flat, wishing he had someone to share his life with. One day, while at his desk, he balled up a piece of lined paper and placed a small post-it note with a smiley scrawled on it. He had smiled to himself. It was silly, really, but in a way the smiley provided him some company.

Memo grew considerably over night. The next morning, ██████'s colleagues entered the office to find the place in shambles. Desks flipped, drawers pillaged, keyboards missing key. And not a single piece of stationary in sight. Memo sat on ██████'s desk kicking her feet, smiley as ever.

  • She takes on a cat-like form because of the amount of cat videos ██████ watched in his mind-numbing boredom. She internalised them.
  • There's a hole in her face that's covered by the post-it note. The lined paper she's made of was scrap.
  • Her post-it note can be any colour and display any message or face. She prefers smileys with noses.
Jez friend
Jeremy was the first person she met outside of the office, he was vandalising a nearby bridge. She likes that he's a rascal.
Jingo ???
Memo knows Jingo. He lurks a lot. She finds him incredibly off-putting, yet somewhat intruiging.
██████ creator
Relatively neutral, loves him like an estranged father.