Unnamed's Comments

What are you looking for in a trade? This design is absolutely stunning and I'm very interested in making an offer if i have (or can make) something you're looking for. 

im open to anything, but i would like to see things that match in quality in regards to design!

or, something i would use

im also looking at art offers!

I can definitely offer art if you'd be interested in that, how many fullbody pieces (can have backgrounds) would you want? I don't think I have any characters currently available that you'd be interested in for this - though I'm not opposed to doing custom designs if you'd rather that.

i wouldn't be opposed to some of your art! your designs are also soooo gorgeous wow,, its almost hard to pick LOL

whichever you feel most up do doing!

Thank you! <33 Oh man honestly I'm game for either or XD I adore doing designs though, they're so much fun to do and I can do all sorts of critters. But I'd rather you pick what you'd most like to get from me so I know you're getting what you want in exchange :3

aaaaahhh i think i might go with a custom then,,, uvu

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