Atrophos's Comments


Graham, Felonious, Casper, Dendric, Anit, Quinn, Quincey, Venti, fern, Sylvester, Adrian, Liu, Kendric, Hendricks, baxter, ajax, harlson, riley   

Viadin or Juhani 👀

Aleksei - Defender of Mankind

Backstory Suggestion: Despite the meaning to his name, Aleksei is the youngest of six to the most prominent Dragon family in their part of the world, and was mostly raised by a group of nannys and butlers. However he was spoilt all the same and as such grew to be a troublemaker and more wild than his older siblings. His parents tended to his studies but never pushed him as hard as the eldest due to the belief that Aleksei would not be taking over the family name.

This character has fun trickster myth energy - you know, the sort of anti-hero character that meddles in the affairs of immortal beings and gods ultimately to the benefit (?) of mortals. Usually.

"Anwin" might be good for that reason, if you're wanting to go a silver-tongue route. Or there's "Liraz", which fits the same vibe. I think that "Clamor", "Motley", "Temptation" or "Hectic" also could be fun for him. I'd lean toward Temptation out of that lot, solely because I think that "Tem" is a cute nickname.

Hmm, maybe Kurenai? It means crimson in Japanese.

Oooh, they look like a “Maverick” or a “Sebastian” to me!

They remind me of ‘Basilisk’ :) the serpent king 

Perhaps they came from a small town, but were driven out because of their appearance at a young age.. leaving them bitter at first, but finding ways to fit in with a group of outcasts later. Just an idea, since I get extra points for backstory ideas ✨✨

I also love Denieoor designs! they’re all such dreamies

Aeolus (ee-O-ləs) Means: quick-moving, nimble [Greek]
Amir : Strong, powerful, mighty [Hebrew]
Damianos : To tame [Greek]
Hesperos (HEHS-PEH-ROS) : Evening [Greek]
Magnus : Great, large [German]
Reid : red [English]
Renato (reh-NA-to) : Reborn, born again [Italian]
Spiro : To breathe [French]
Titus : Saved [Latin]

Taro, Varanus, Karmir, Jasper, Vermell, Flynn or Eli :>


Vathyr ~

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