Fido Crawford



11 months, 6 days ago


Fido Crawford


male (he/him)




  • Fido has a crooked nose, he was born with it.
  • Fido also owns a crawfish restaurant, which is why he dawns a lobster costume.
  • fido is 5'10 and has an average build.
  • He also has a lisp.

Design Notes

  • Fido is a transman and has top surgery scars, so if you draw him without his shirt do not remove those.
  • He usually is seen with his lobster costume, with or without the head, he usually keeps the claws.
  • Fido also is pretty hairy in general, it would also be good to not forget that about him (talking arms and such).


Fido grew up with two mothers, who both were steady working women. One being a nurse, working endlessly to make others feel better and putting them before herself. The other, an artist (and a stoner). Fido growing up with these figures in his life made him realize that he wanted to dedicate himself to a business lifestyle. However due to both his moms working so much, Fido didn't get to make any long term friends that he could call himself close to. With this, it caused him to become very heavily focused on work, making that his life.

Fido worked endlessly trying to make a name for himself, trying multiple different business options, clothing, money, even the stock market. Nothing seemed to work for him, however he ended up finding a small niche for himself because of him growing up on the coast, seafood. With a deep interest in lobster too, he decided to make that his key component. Opening a restaurant in his name and finally watching his business bloom, finally making a name for himself.

Fido quickly became well-loved because of his sweet nature and his amazing food, growing to be respected by everyone in town. He honors himself and his mothers by his restaurant, which is now his whole life.
