

"I am a perfect copy of whatever I was; something I don’t recognise."

Basic Info

AGE 22
SPECIES Euthoran Shapeshifter
STRAIN Pure Type E


Cyran, codenamed "Replica" by the Sarkiri who captured him, is a Euthoran Shapeshifter and a pure Type E vampire, having been directly infected by Jason Shaver when both were in the captivity of a Sarkiri medical research laboratory. He was possessed by a Demon of Excess named Kytharion who attempted to consume and digest Cyran's identity, but something went wrong and instead, the memories and identities of the Demon's previous hosts have spilled out into Cyran, giving him Dissociative Identity Disorder. Each of his sapient forms is a distinct personality, with the "host" being his human form, and non-sapient animal forms being controlled by whoever last fronted. Cyran's base form is that of a Ferinaelian Wolf, Lupulix Sabulorum, and his form gain theme focuses on creatures with unique and specialized survival mechanisms.


Cyran is anxious and flighty, relatively typical of wild Shapeshifters. Due to his possession by Kytharion, he struggles with the concept of his own identity, frequently questioning if he is who he thinks he is or if that identity is just another false memory bleeding through from the Demon. This itself leads to moderate self-worth issues, deep-seated uncertainty of his own identity, and general isolationism as he struggles to relate to the people around him. As seems to be a trend with Type E vampires, Cyran also struggles with control, especially when feeding, and the tendency of other alters to front and Kytharion periodically attempting to reassert control over the body means that at any moment he can find himself no longer the master of his own body.


Mauris mattis sed turpis a ultricies. Sed vestibulum consectetur urna vel tincidunt. In tempor ac ligula sed ultrices. Phasellus elementum ligula sem, id blandit orci fermentum sit amet. Sed ultrices volutpat mi, vitae maximus est tincidunt vitae. Fusce interdum mattis libero, vel maximus velit tincidunt quis. Curabitur ac ex in eros lobortis porta. Donec faucibus sit amet elit et fringilla. Aenean tristique vitae eros non sagittis. Nulla facilisi.


  • Human: Cyran (Default)
  • Litarian: Kytharion's chosen body
  • Sarkiri:
  • Kovulzel (Aquatic Genet):
  • Lycan (Maned Wolf):
  • Felidi (Caracal x Maine Coon):
  • Thenast (Ringtail):
  • Ithzon (Greater Noctule):


  • Ferinaelian Wolf (Base Form)
  • (gazelle)
  • Thornback Lizard



  • As a Euthoran Shapeshifter, Cyran has the ability to gain new animal forms through prolonged exposure.
  • As a Type E vampire,
  • In Cyran's Thornback Lizard form, he possesses thick, thorn-like scales on his back which can be raised to both make it painful for predators to eat him, and to flash starkly-colored markings as a form of aposematism. When laying completely flat, these scales also serve as camoflauge in rocky, uneven terrain, and help conserve water by compacting the body.




The Demon of Excess that is possessing Cyran.

Jason Shaver

At present, these two characters barely know that the other exists, and only know that much because Jason infected Cyran with pure Type E viral vampirism. They do not know each others' names or identities, or even appearances, as Jason has forgotten much of his experience in captivity. It is unknown if Cyran has sire-bonded to Jason.




Mauris mattis sed turpis a ultricies. Sed vestibulum consectetur urna vel tincidunt. In tempor ac ligula sed ultrices. Phasellus elementum ligula sem, id blandit orci fermentum sit amet. Sed ultrices volutpat mi, vitae maximus est tincidunt vitae. Fusce interdum mattis libero, vel maximus velit tincidunt quis. Curabitur ac ex in eros lobortis porta. Donec faucibus sit amet elit et fringilla. Aenean tristique vitae eros non sagittis. Nulla facilisi.