


5 years, 10 months ago


first of all i fuckING LOVE him hfkds

Age: somewhere in his late 20s, id say 26

- is his skin blue? is it green? no one knows its always changing in the right light....unless he's somehow doing it on purpose
-He owns a shop in the main district of hell, its part high quality clothing, part flower boutique and mostly runs the place on his own but he has help from a few others like this guy
-savage king
-very observant but likes to play most things off as a joke or comes off as very relaxed
-hes a nice guy, or so he says
-is actually very hardworking and dedicated to his practice and will not have you disrespecting his work
-is more or less always juding what you wear and how you look though
-"is that guy trying to undress me with his gaze" .....no he really.... really just wants to walk over there and tell you youre matching the wrong fucking colors can he please fix you up
-hes not into the whole romance scene due to how busy and lively his shop is and primarily focuses on that

Yoko: so youre still wearing this ugly sweater huh.
kai, exasperated: you know why i still have this on
Yoko: i guess so... but still you can take it off sometimes yknow~ thats what a wardrobe is for. Come onnn, let me dress you up! *shaking kais shoulders* P L E A S E