


8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info



Name Meaning:

"Dove, bird" (Spanish)






Usagi (


Tobias (


Nadi (







➤ Tricky - Over the few short years she has lived with the roma, Paloma has learned how to be crafty and deceitful in order to wow the crowds that flock to see the Traveling Gypsies in action. She has learned how to be slight of hand and never gives up her secrets. She is kind of a magician of sorts and always has a trick up her sleeve. She can easily fool even those who are not easily fooled. She always says that when you are looking closely that is when you are missing the most!
➤ Playful - Pal is very fond of games, whether that be her playing tricks on others for her own amusement or having someone tease her mental taste buds with trickery of their own. She is quite lighthearted and enjoys goofing off. This little ball of energy has a tendency to wear others out unintentionally.
➤ Irresponsible - To Paloma everything has become a game and she kind of lives in her own little world. She has dreamed up a fantasy where she is a born and raised roma lady and she refused to think anything else. She has no idea what responsibilities she should be taking care of and has little interest even considering growing up. She loves to just let all the worries in the world fall on larger, more capable shoulders other then her own.
➤ Hot-headed - Yes she likes to play games, and yes she likes to have her own fantasies and tricks, this fair faced beauty is quite the hot head. She doesn't really enjoy it when others are able to see through her acts or when the other roma's can get into her head and deceive her! she looses her temper quite often and holds grudges quite easily. Often when she gets mad she needs to take some time alone to cool off and get her head back on straight.


➤ Paloma ran away from home when she was quite young because she was mad at her parents. All she wanted to do was preform and do tricks like the gypsies she had seen as a child. So she ran away and changed her name! Her original name was Clarice. So whenever someone calls the name Clarice at her crews shows she becomes very nervous.
➤ Lives in a fantasy world where she has convinced herself that she lives in the 1500 when Roma people were on the run trying to evaded execution and slavery. So she can be very hard to relate to. 

Her Occupations:

When Pal was just a pup she used to go with her parents to carnivals that were set up to resemble that of the old fashion carnivals that royalty and townfolk of the old ages would flock to. The content of the carnivals were almost perfect except for those who ran it. They were not the Romani people of the old ages. However they did steal Paloma's heart instantly. When she was in her mid teens she got into a disagreement with her parents about what she was going to be when she grew up and so she ran away. 

She could have gone and joined the cercus, or even skittered to the carnival that had motivated her for so long. But instead she plunged herself deep in a search for the real Roma people, the gypsies that filled her memories since she first went to the carnival! And she actually found them. They call themselves a clan, but they are just a big band of families that carry on the Roma lifestyle to remind people of what the Roma people had to go through when they were oppressed. Paloma was taken in instantly and they named her after the Spanish name for dove because of her beautiful singing voice. 

Pamola now enjoys a life of acting, preforming and singing. She has learned many acts that even circus performers would hesitate to do. Her clan is constantly in motion so she is always seeing new things and experiencing the world. Paloma's favorite thing she does is juggling while singing old Roma songs thought she has learned over the years. Though she still misses her family now that she has had time to cool off!