Ink Maisy



8 months, 10 hours ago


Maisy the mutt's closest friend and confidant, an inhabitant of the drowning city Schwelltown. Her origins are unknown even to herself regardless she lives to jump around and explore this post natural disaster world. Exploring the chaotic nightmarish corners of the city and narrowly avoiding the dog catchers net she is brave, excitable, and a cutie patootie. She isn’t a clone or evil version of Maisy the Mutt- she’s simply another cartoon dog who happens to be named Maisy as well! What a coinky dink! 

Ink Maisies overall personality is that of a total sweetheart- she is accident prone and often gets into trouble to an equal degree as Maisy. however has pure intentions and a strong moral compass that helps her along her journeys. She met Maisy the Mutt during Maisies journey to Schwelltown- in an abandoned theater Maisy felt herself worn down by the loneliness of this unfamiliar nightmare- at which point she was surprised by Ink Maisy exploding out of the theater floorboards, riding a geyser of ink.

The two are inseparable. They would die for one another.