


6 months, 25 days ago


CRONOS VAN PLUTO, male, old as hell

The Demon Lord holding domain over Greed, the fourth layer of Hell. Being one of the Old Ones, he has been in power for almost as long as Hell itself had existed, and isn't planning on giving up his throne any time soon. Under his influence, the layer of Greed is a dog-eat-dog corporate nightmare with the only thing rivalling the number of corporations and companies all battling for the highest profits is the amount of casinos and other places of luxury entertainment littered throughout the streets of the fourth layer

A very cunning and intelligent man, Cronos carries himself with an air of confidence and refinement. He usually speaks in a formal, somewhat detached but still polite manner, showing very little emotion and remaining composed no matter the circumstances. Though he is equally just as ruthless as he is smart, and any attempts to challenge his authority are usually cut short very swiftly and violently, with him rather enjoying making an example out of any troublemakers. He always plans ahead, and so far has managed to outwit anyone who would ever attempt to steal his position at the top

Despite the inherently corporate nature of the Greed layer, Cronos instead runs Hell's biggest casino, featuring many bars, restaurants and plenty other entertainment venues to assist the corporate slaves populating this layer of Hell with burning through their savings day after day in a hopeless pursuit to earn themselves a jackpot. Very rarely does anyone win anything in there, and even then, Cronos makes sure that whatever is won is spent just as quickly, preferably also plunging yet another unfortunate soul into debt in the process

With the exile of Lord Beelzebub, Gluttony's influence over the Greed layer had diminished significantly, knocking the established economy off balance and making all the businesses populating the fourth layer even more ferocious in their endless battle to outdo their competitors in numbers. Amidst the chaos, Cronos is attempting to make use of the power vacuum left in the Greed layer after the departure of its ruler to gain more influence over the layer which had once held major say in the goings on inside the fourth layer. To do so, he is currently making attempts to manipulate Beelzebub's daughter, one of his many (sometimes illigitimate) children and the current hier to the position of Lord in the third layer as well as the current owner of the World's End Manor. As someone who has known Midgard since she was a child, Cronos believes that his status as a family friend and an authority figure to her would make gaining influence over her quite easy, however his attempts at having her allow more of the Greed layer's influence in the third layer have been thwarted so far

voiceclaim ~ bgm

(ARCHIVED BIO) Cronos, a heavenly angemo with average light magic, owns and operates the most popular bar in the Peak, bringing in heavenlies and fallen alike. His flamboyant personality is a spectacle in itself, as he always seems to be the life of the party. His eccentric style and magnetic charm make his bar a hub of celestial social life.

Surprisingly, Cronos is not bothered by the occasional outbreak of violence in his bar. In fact, he thrives on the thrill it brings, viewing it as a form of entertainment. He has an uncanny ability to defuse conflicts when needed but has been known to enjoy a well-executed brawl, often placing bets on the outcomes.

However, he doesn't tolerate anyone challenging his authority within his domain. Those who dare to cross him or display rudeness quickly discover the limits of his patience. Cronos wears his confidence like a badge, exuding an air of self-importance that's hard to ignore.

Inside his meticulously maintained personal office, a haven of serenity amidst the chaos of his bar, Cronos keeps everything spotless and organized— only keeping the bare minimum of what he needs. The most intriguing feature of the room is a mysterious safe tucked away in the corner. Its contents remain a closely guarded secret, and even his most trusted associates are left to wonder about the strange thing concealed within its secure confines…