


5 years, 11 months ago
Trade Listing
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Name: Suraimu
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesibian
Pronouns: Her/she/them/they
Species: Monster dog
Role: Secondary Sona
Age: 20 (human years)
Love Interest: Ika
Personality: Silly, Absent minded, Sweet, Persistent, Optimistic, Workaholic, Flirty, Despite being happy most of the time she needs time to reset and be neutral.
Voice Lines: "IKA!!! I have been waiting for u!" "c-come don't be so mean Ika!!" "Come on! let's go out sometime!" "i know u love me ; >"
Likes: Drawing, Dancing, Scrapbooking, Ika, Being loud, organization, Planning, Junk foods, and Photography
Dislikes: Bitter foods, People asking why her tail is so slimy, Cardboard, Blood, Gore, It being quiet for to long, and Eggs
Story: Suraimu grew up with her older brother as her parents had abandoned them at a very young age. she grew up laughing and smiling with her friends and brother. she suffers from her tail having overactive slime glands that makes her tail very slimy all the time. People would call her tail gross and unattractive when she was growing up but she learned to ignore it and love her weird tail.
Up for trade/sale: