
5 years, 11 months ago
Trade Listing
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Name: Ika
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: Her/she/them/they
Gender: Female
Species: Monster dog
Role: MainSona
Age: 24 (human years)
Love Interest: None yet
Personality: fierce, Will stand up for others and herself, Aggressive, Has a soft spot of people she likes, will avoid and ignore you unless you are her friend, isn't
afraid to start fights, very hard to get her to even acknowledge you, is a major b***h, independant, Sassy, and Vulgar.
Voice Lines: "Move motherf***er." "Get the f*** out of my face" "i don't have time to deal with people like you." "Talk to me or my friend again and you won't ever walk again b***h."
Likes: Sweets, the ocean, Her friends (well her one friend), alone time, music, swimming, singing, strawberries, blueberries, Red meat.
Dislikes: everyone but her friends, bright lights, loud noises, being around lots of people, waffles (don't ask), rice, Nuts (she does like one kind of nut ; >).
Story: She lived with her mother till she was 16 but her mother was always gone and barely ever came home. (they lived in a little cabin in the woods) forcing Ika to be alone all the time. she grew very wary of people and hardly ever interacted with anyone besides her mom. as time went on she grew hostile towards everyone and left her cabin and her mom to find something better. she has been traveling for awhile and wants to settle down in a small town but her social skills greatly lack and she can't find anyone who would tolerate her vulgar and sassy behavior. (Also goes back and visits the forest from time to time to visit her only friend bipin
Roselle64 's monster dog)
Up for trade/sale: