
Delta Velorum Fox - Female - Short tail - Eye dots/Reverse blaze/Snip facial markings - Custom feathering/mane/head tuft - Heterochromia - Custom accessories - Birdy love item

Name -- Up
Nicknames -- None
Gender -- Vixen
Birthdate -- March 12th
Zodiac -- Pisces
Age -- 22

- Chipper | Alert | Patient | Easily distracted | Curious -

Although Up is almost always alert and listening for danger, she's distracted amazingly easy. It's a wonder how she was a scout when her clan was in one piece. With very high patience, she can sit as still as a stone for hours, the only interruption being quiet whimpers about being hungry or tired if she sits there for too long. Her sight, hearing, and vision are all very sharp, so it's difficult to sneak past her. Her hearing is her sharpest sense, which is quite helpful when hunting. Up loves seeking and trying to understand new things. She can spend long amounts of time wandering through an unexplored cave system or examining something as simple as a river smoothed stone. Her attitude overall is most likely to be on the positive side since she doesn't often focus on bad things when they happen. She'd much rather go about solving her problems (or at least hiding them) then sit around and mope. She doesn't complain about much, but when she does, she's sure to keep her voice down so that she doesn't trouble others with her problems. She's full of energy and doesn't often get tired. This makes it hard for her to form a sleep schedule, so she often catnaps when not on guard duty. Dependable and devoted, she's sure to keep her promises...unless she forgets. Up can be quite scatterbrained. To counteract this, she often talks to herself, reminding herself what she needs to do. Scouting and keeping watch is veryimportant to her even though she isn't part of a clan anymore.

--Up loves birds. They are often the reason
she gets distracted from her duties. She has
a tendency to follow them and quietly sneak
up on them once they've landed so that she
can see them better. Because she likes them
so much, she never eats birds as prey and is
a little shocked when others do.
--Despite her age, Up is very innocent. Death
has little meaning to her at this point.
--She's very slow to process things. Sudden
change is most likely to leave her dazed and
confused as to what's going on. Thankfully,
it doesn't take her too long to adapt and
resume her usual perky attitude.
--Up will memorize the sounds of other's foot-
steps, voices, and breathing so that she can
recognize them without actually having to see
them. Her hearing is good enough that she's
able to predict how many foxes are in a group
from quite a distance away and her number
will be very near exact.
--She has a habit of talking to herself in
whispers. It's easy to get bored when on a long
watch, so she'll have full fledged conversations
with herself. Most of the time, though, they're
not about anything remotely important.