Kandi Beads



7 months, 6 days ago


five little kandi beads, often referred to as "the kandi kids" or just "the kandis"
very curious little kids who will not stop asking questions. they function as a group of siblings, sticking close together, and if one strays from the group, they will drop everything they're doing to look for them, and won't stop until they do. they're all just a bunch of silly little guys trying to have fun. they look up to crochet hook the most for advice and love, as she serves a mother-like role to them all, but they are willing to interact with anybody they cross paths with.

bubs (they/them)
- bubs, as silly and sweet as they are, is the member of the group least associated with the others. not that they're any less of a sibling to the group, or vice versa, for that matter. they are simply often too easily distracted to focus on the goal at hand. they love to do things their own way, and, aside from some disputes it may start with millie, they're content themself and the things they do. as quiet as they are, they're very loving and very well-loved.

quib (he/him)
- even for such an outgoing child, quib is nearly inseperable from his best friend, twee. he loves to involve her in all of his little activities, and they stick together almost anywhere they go. he's quick-witted and clever, often said to be the smartest of the group. his favorite activities consist of putting together puzzles and solving riddles. he always makes sure to check up on the rest of group and make sure they're doing okay

twee (she/her)
- twee is equally as, if not more outgoing, than her best friend quib. she loves to skitter about and run around, being the most hyperactive of the group, though sometimes leaving the others overwhelmed by her excitement. she loves playing playground games like tag and hide-and-seek, but tends to get competitive about them, always worried about finding the best hiding spot or being the group's fastest runner. at heart, she's just a puppy who wants to fool around

buggy (he/him)
- i don't know yet... he's green

millie (he/him)
- the most serious of the kids, and often referred to as the leader. he always wants to make sure everyone is ready to help the adults if needed, and is the first one to try and find a way to solve and arising problem. that being said, he's still a little kid at heart. he loves playing just as much as the others do, and could never object to any opportunity to have fun with everyone else.