
5 years, 11 months ago


Name: Sam
Nicknames: Sammy
Age: 5
Gender: Non-binary (They/Them)
Species: Mutt dog
Orientation: Asexual Aromantic

Personality: Sam is a rather loud mouthed and blunt individual. They usually aren’t afraid to say whats on their mind and can be a bit reckless with their words. Sam loves to learn and enjoys helping out their master, Tristen, with mechanics and blueprints. 

History: Sam is the familiar of Tristen Downer, they were created from Tristen’s bronze watch. 


Tristen Downer: Sam’s master. They greatly respect them, and are always willing to help the other. Sam loves to watch Tristen tinker with mechanic devices and they often help them out with making blueprints. Sam could listen to Tristen ramble about mechanics for hours on end. Simply put, they get along extremely well.

Jesper: Sam takes on the weird role of being Jesper’s life advisor. Other than Tristen, Jesper is the one that Sam gets along with the best. The two are also partners in crime in a way, and occasionally team up to cause small bits of chaos.
