


8 years, 4 months ago


His name is uh...based on...a family member trying to say "soda" and failin' real bad.....

-Best two senses are smell and sight. Both are super strong, sight only slightly worse. Most light levels are too bright, so he's often squinting really hard. To not get overwhelmed, he can cut off his breathing from actually smelling stuff. Others: touch, then hearing, then taste. Skin picks up more senses than human skin and sort of works like whiskers, just dulled down to not be painful. This carries down to his insides so that he knows when things need healing. More sensitive overall, so stuff like hair on skin bothers him more and paper cuts are the absolute end of the world
-Despite not having a tongue, he can sort of absorb flavor in his throat. Because you don't hold food there, he only gets slight glimpses. Nibbles on stuff he actually likes so that he has to swallow more of it.
-Body doesn't heal by itself. He has to do it manually by shifting stuff back into place, prompting skin to grow back, and so on. Has a limited amount of healing energy he can spend between rests. Because he may not be able to heal larger things in one rest, the pain will fade quickly, numbing him slightly instead. Sort of softer pins and needles. Can have his insides exposed and still be pretty alive for a good long time
-Immune system totally wrecks anything that tries to get to him (which is a species trait)
-Can't fly - reason for wings is unclear (maybe can expand them?)
-He's been hiding by going to collages because why on earth would anyone want to forever be in school, it's the perfect disguise (Prosper University)
-Probably super old with some elf logic. Like, he's 562 or some garbage, but that equals young adult or whatever
-Excessively terrified of death