$5's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

faeixe Global Rules

     When receiving a design made by myself, whether it be through trade or a freebie, I ask that you do not sell them unless you’ve added worth or bought any for them. If receiving one of my designs via sales, you may resell them but not for more than their worth unless, once again, worth has been added

    You MAY NOT involve my designs in anything relating to the topics of NSFW, hate speech, slurs, etc. anything that falls under those branches. I am a Minor and someone who prefers an environment without any sort of drama or problems, specifically having characters used in NSFW whilst I am a minor and still the creator of said design 

    You may redesign my designs, as long as they aren’t unrecognizable beyond the original. Even with redesigns I still expect at least half credits as I am the original creator and would like to keep it that way. DO NOT, under any circumstances, attempt to claim 

-WIP, still writing