


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


"Boss" or Beatrice Langley (Human Vers.)

Age & Height

29 Y/O & 6'6"


No gender


Polyam. Bisexual


Boss, is a mysterious, rude and pompous being with a mysterious background. Not much is known to those who have associated themselves with her, as she appeared within city district areas without telling a soul and developed a reputation for her influence in culturally tying societies beneath the ground to those on the surface thereafter. Years afterwards, she disappeared once more only to return with a particular human named Niles hand in hand. Only with those she has truly trusted did she disclose her whereabouts, on Earth within the Milky Way Galaxy under a human appearance called "Beatrice." 

She is made entirely of magical fog-like which emanate from the veins of singular dense core somewhere within her body (Think: Dry ice!), created below the earth of her planet through natural magic. Most types of gas (Air-like fluids) converts as energy for her, but she often keeps a pack of cigarettes or a vape pen on her body just in case she needs the extra pump.
With this in mind, she is able to morph into clouds of fog as well as control concentrations of any specific gas if she so chooses. The blackened parts of her body are dense material which she can arise spikes from.