
7 months, 29 days ago


(Will update later with better images, this one is an old one...)

Drake may look like a Pillager, but he is actually a former Hero and is in hiding. He commands a huge army that follows his orders alone... But don't let the army fool you as he cares not for their lives.

As villains go, Drake only holds his life above All Else and is only searching to complete his goal; the creation cube.

The creation cube requires a great deal of power and his first attempt failed, creating a cube that was a fractured... And that's why Brian (AKA Herobrine) is unable to traverse the universe and is stuck only viewing the world's. 

After his failed attempt, Drake has a calculated and planned over hundreds of years to set his plan into motion and make a creation cube.

This cube has no mind and follows the will of its wielder, and allows the user to be godlike... They can create... They can destroy... They can duplicate... They can replace... They can copy... They would be able to do it all.

Drake created a tower in the middle of the desert where he started it all hundreds of years ago casting a spell across the land that would change Villagers to Illagers... And after careful calculated planning... All he needs now is one specific person to sit the top of his Tower to activate and use it to create the cube he is seeking...

And that is Orchid...