


5 years, 11 months ago


mitch o'neill
True Name ayn
Species deity
Title God of the Harvest
True Form plant-covered bull
Domain Agriculture & Fertility
Pronouns he/him/they/them
Age unknown
Age (Appearance) 40's
Orientation heterosexual

Brief Bio
Despite currently living among mortals, it hadn't always been that way for Mitch. Before making himself comfortable among humans, Mitch lived among his siblings in the celestial plane.
His true name being Ayn, and his true form being that of a bull draped in vines and leaves. However as he goes by his daily life in the mortal world, he takes the form of an unassuming farmer with dark hair and greying roots.
Brief Personality
First and foremost, Mitch is not a man of many words. Often keeping his opinion to himself, the God will only speak his mind if he finds it necessary. Despite this, he is not afraid to stand his ground. (Though when he does, he is rather blunt about it.)
While he does tend to keep to himself due to his unique identity, he is rather amiable and can make good conversation if he feels up to it.
+ Laid back, Charismatic, Intelligent, Tactical, Amiable, Confident
o Stubborn, Stupidly Courageous, Flirtatious, Instinctive, Judgemental
- Blunt, Smart Ass, Unpredictable, Arrogant, Indolent, Compulsive