Baccara Rose



7 months, 6 days ago


Name: Baccara Rose. 

Story: She is a cusres fae. Ones as beautiful as a rose she believe it her right to go anywhere and do as she pleased. Sadly this lead her into a long since feared garden. No fae dare go in there do to the rumors but she had her heart set on haveing the most beautiful flowers for her up and come birthday. Venturing in to the garden she honselty could see what all the fuss was about. She hadn't come across anything bigger then a mouse and it didn't even have dark and spooky vibes about it. As she reached the center a sling beam of sunlight shown on the blackest of black rose she had ever seen. Knowing then and there that that was the flower she wanted she raced to it with out and single thought and picked it. Letting out a hiss a thorn and stapped multiple spots on her hand. The world faded to black and she stood very still. The garden was for sure now spooky. A soft sweet small giggle of child could be heard echoing through the area she was in. *"knoty knoty your in trouble."* the voice sang to her. Fear welled with in her and she wanted to run but she couldn't move. She tried to call for help be she couldn't speak. The voice giggled more at her failed attempts. Sounds of movement around her could be heard but she couldn't see anything. A deep haunting voice right next to her spoke. *"Welcome to my garden. You can never leave just like the rest."* With that ripping twisting pain cut through her. Soundless screams echoed in her brain for what seemed like hours until she passed out.