


5 years, 10 months ago


Aliases Coyote, Courier Six
Age 38
Height 5'8"
Ethnicity Blackfoot / Niitsitapi (Southern Piikani)
Gender Two-spirit (they/he)
Orientation Gay
Birthday February 26, 2243
Alignment Chaotic Good
Setting Mojave Wasteland
World Fallout: New Vegas
Faction Followers of the Apocalypse; Independent Vegas
Job Courier, Followers doctor
Pinboard X
You should give me a little credit. Suicidal overconfidence doesn't get you this kind of price on your head.

Also known as Coyote, Otahkoapi'si comes from what used to be known as northern Montana, and the Blackfoot people who had survived the bombs there. After a failed trading expedition and a rescue courtesy of a former NCR ranger, Coyote's resulting fight against the Legion led them to becoming a courier in the West, to two bullets in the head courtesy of Benny, and to holding the fate of the Mojave Wasteland in their hands.


On first meeting, Coyote usually comes off as more a quiet observer than anyone with the kind of power they hold in the Mojave -- or the kind of reputation they have among the Legion. Nothing about them stands out too dramatically -- not a fairly average post-War height of 5'8", not the build that's more or less standard for anyone who makes walking the Wasteland their job, not even their refusal to make eye contact with anyone. The strangest things about them -- all the metal and tech -- are hidden under their skin, and there's not much trace of the scars on the exposed parts of their body.

They have dark brown skin and matching brown eyes above high cheekbones, their hair usually neatly braided and shaved on both sides of their head. More often than not there's a faint scruff covering their chin that never grows any longer than that no matter how long they go without shaving, so they don't bother. A messy, jagged pink scar sits above their left eye, courtesy of Benny, and a smaller one stretches just above their lip, typically combined with a pair of silvery rings in their left ear and one in their nose.

Over a shirt and jeans they wear their poncho, which is a sandy yellow with blue, orange, and white stitching, and usually they also wear their necklace and a selection of beaded bracelets. They're not in for that much body armor, but with their preferred form of combat, they don't need it.

Design Notes:
  • Coyote uses a handheld Pipboy instead of one mounted on their wrist
  • They're rarely seen without their poncho no matter how hot it might get
  • The weapons Coyote usually carries are the Survivalist's Rifle, a Ranger Sequoia, and the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle
  • Patterns on their bracelets can vary, they have a lot of them


Coyote used to be far more charismatic than they currently are, and that's all the fault of Benny. The bullets in their head didn't only almost kill them, but left them with a whole host of brain damage-related behavioral problems that have somewhat sabotaged their ability to be as patient, careful, and manipulative as they used to be. They have a short temper, little impulse control, and no tolerance for frustration, not to mention the persistent inability to remember words that makes all the former problems much worse.

They come off as politely friendly at best if you don't know them. As long as that's true, they are also blunt and forward when it comes to opinions. Coyote is for everything an incredibly stubborn person who categorically refuses to give up on their ideals, and they have a lot of ideals. If you aren't friends, they'll tell you that flat out. But the more Coyote warms up to you, the more they know you, and the more likely they are to use what they know about you to get you to do what they want. It is not something they're aware that they do, and never has any malicious intent; Coyote is very certain their way is the best way, and so of course it makes sense people would want to go along with it.

Coyote chafes against most authority that isn't of a small family group or tribe, very much including that of the NCR. They are of the belief people should be able to govern themselves -- on a scale like the NCR, like America, it's never going to work, and nobody has proven them wrong yet. Unsurprisingly, they are an anarchist. Surprisingly, this doesn't stop them from feeling like everything they stumble into is their responsibility. They are very easy to talk into things; if you are the right person, they're just as easy to talk out. However, if they do actually have a hand in something occurring -- such as the Divide -- they will accept it as their fault, and they will drive themselves into the ground trying to fix it.

Their idealism is a bit painful, because to most people it's clear that a lot of what Coyote wants isn't necessarily achievable. But they are very goal-oriented and driven and even if things aren't working the way they want them to, they're not going to stop trying to get as close as possible, it doesn't matter what you tell them. They don't take other people crossing their sense of morality and ideals easily, though there are some circumstances (exclusively their own) where they consider the ends to justify the means. The question is, of course, what those circumstances are, and Coyote doesn't know themselves -- not until it comes time to make the choice.


  • Their name, Otahkoapi'si, is Siksika and means Yellow Coyote in English.
  • Their native language is Blackfoot (Siksika); they are also fluent in English and Spanish, and at a conversational level with Navajo (Diné bizaad) even if their pronunciation isn't great.
  • Coyote's tag skills are Speech, Guns, and Survival. With the Tag perk they add Medicine
  • Very good at sewing (which they only enjoy on occasion) and also very good at cooking (which they always love to do)
  • Though not a fan of the NCR, Coyote's activities have made them a sort of ally to them; to the Legion, however, they're a well-known enemy with quite a bounty on their head
  • Coyote is autistic; among other things they do not like making eye contact and constantly need to do something with their hands, which is usually flicking a lighter on and off
  • They have more metal and tech in them than just what was used to replace their heart and spine, thanks to their fascination with biomedical engineering and bionics
  • They are not interested in ruling Vegas, more in setting it up to be able to rule itself, and in keeping the NCR, Legion, and House from exploiting the people there
  • During the DLC they trap Elijah and save all the companions; get rid of the White Legs from Zion; leave Mobius and the Think Tank alive; and stop the missiles and spare Ulysses
  • They have a pet nightstalker from Big MT, her name is Buffalo :)


  • Cazadores + scorpions
  • Heights
  • Loud noises
  • Authority
  • Losing their temper

Skills & Abilities

While Coyote isn't necessarily bad with other guns, they have a freakish ability to take long-range shots perfectly, because that's the only way to take on a group that outnumbers you over 5:1. Not so good at pulling off a shot while you're breathing down their neck, but give them a little distance, a good scope, and a clip or two of ammo, and they can even some ridiculous odds.
Old World knowledge
Even beyond the knowledge contained in their oral traditions, in their spare time, Coyote likes to read, and with the current state of the Wasteland that often involves going far out of their way to scavenge Old World books from every crumbling ruin they can find. It doesn't matter what they come across, they'll try it. As a result, they have a wealth of Old World information that most people in the Wasteland don't carry around with them. Most of it they don't pursue beyond the basics, the exceptions dealing with both medicine and robotics, but it does mean Coyote knows more than most about America, and just what the world before the bombs was like.
Mostly, that means they have little in the way of respect for the many factions trying to copy the ways of the Old World, as if that didn't lead to the Great War in the first place.
It takes a bit for Coyote to pick up on how to read an individual person, but once they do, they know how to use that knowledge to their own ends. Coyote is good at uncovering what makes a person tick, what drives them, and then finding ways to twist that to their own ends, their own way of thinking. Of course, for most people Coyote disagrees with, they simply don't bother. The closer you get to them, though, the more they know you, the more they know how to get you to do what they want.
Coyote never means it maliciously, and rarely thinks about what they're doing at all; it just happens. After all, why wouldn't anyone go along with them? Their methods are the best way of doing things -- good luck convincing them otherwise.
Wandering as far and wide as a Courier requires at least a little knowledge of the land, but Coyote has more than that. Though their most experience is of Montana and the West, Coyote has a wealth of practical knowledge of the Wasteland -- weather patterns, building shelters and campfires, navigation, the best times of day to travel, how to tell when there's most likely danger about, plants and animals and the abominations the radiation has made of them.
They're also skilled at turning the latter into surprisingly good food.


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Donec condimentum blandit congue. Vivamus sodales porta sem at vulputate. Ut a ex elit. Sed vel lacus vitae nisi consequat finibus. Fusce eu tempus arcu. Nulla placerat dapibus dolor non molestie. Vivamus a pellentesque purus. Donec maximus, enim ac vehicula convallis, diam nunc tempus erat, malesuada scelerisque augue neque eu nunc. Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu. In metus justo, luctus at pellentesque a, cursus et quam.

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Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
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Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
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Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
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