Idris (Human Idris)




name Idris

age 24

sexuality heterosexual

gender male (he/him)

species Human

occupation Knight

A young fiery knight keen on climbing the ranks and proving to those who looked down on him that anyone can be whomever they want to be despite status.


  • hotheaded
  • ambitious
  • blunt
  • cocky


  • peaches
  • horses
  • warm weather
  • missions


The cards of life were never dealt in the favor of Idris. His parents, two very poor commoners, had him at a fairly young age, however they did not let this slow them down. They had a great love for Idris, and would try to provide for their son the best that they could. To nobody's surprise, many who held higher titles looked down upon the struggling family. Work came and went, and when they were unable to find work they were often left sleeping in the streets. Idris always hated seeing his mother and father so exhausted and defeated, shunned by the world just soley due to who they were born to. He found it unfair, which sparked his hatred towards those who spat on people like him. He quickly grew tired of the words that tried so hard to put him down, that told him he was worthless and would not amount to anything in this life.

Idris would not allow that to slow him down, though. At a young age he began to go out and steal what he could from vendors or nobles strolling about. He found stealing to be quite thrilling, and despite protests from his mother, found himself stealing more and more...[add more later].


  • has a horse named little lightning
  • loves peaches - they're his favorite
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.
  • Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.


Masterlist Masterlist entry #

Rarity xxx

Height 5'10

Obtained by content

Value $60

  • canines are longer/sharper than average
  • scars!
  • orange in his hair
  • drawn in casual clothing unless stated otherwise
  • content



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Write as much as you want here because this will scroll. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu urna iaculis, pharetra ex sed, feugiat magna. Quisque blandit, felis nec sodales lacinia, mauris lectus imperdiet ipsum, quis commodo felis magna eget magna. Nunc interdum urna ligula, nec ullamcorper neque gravida in. Integer pretium lacus id fringilla efficitur. Sed placerat, mi ut condimentum vestibulum, nulla ipsum lobortis leo, eget dapibus risus elit eu tortor. Donec gravida diam nec turpis dictum, eu vulputate dolor mollis. Nunc fringilla dui a odio ultricies ultricies. Vestibulum vitae nisi eget ipsum congue scelerisque.


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Write as much as you want here because this will scroll. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu urna iaculis, pharetra ex sed, feugiat magna. Quisque blandit, felis nec sodales lacinia, mauris lectus imperdiet ipsum, quis commodo felis magna eget magna. Nunc interdum urna ligula, nec ullamcorper neque gravida in. Integer pretium lacus id fringilla efficitur. Sed placerat, mi ut condimentum vestibulum, nulla ipsum lobortis leo, eget dapibus risus elit eu tortor. Donec gravida diam nec turpis dictum, eu vulputate dolor mollis. Nunc fringilla dui a odio ultricies ultricies. Vestibulum vitae nisi eget ipsum congue scelerisque.


Name [relationship]

Write as much as you want here because this will scroll. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu urna iaculis, pharetra ex sed, feugiat magna. Quisque blandit, felis nec sodales lacinia, mauris lectus imperdiet ipsum, quis commodo felis magna eget magna. Nunc interdum urna ligula, nec ullamcorper neque gravida in. Integer pretium lacus id fringilla efficitur. Sed placerat, mi ut condimentum vestibulum, nulla ipsum lobortis leo, eget dapibus risus elit eu tortor. Donec gravida diam nec turpis dictum, eu vulputate dolor mollis. Nunc fringilla dui a odio ultricies ultricies. Vestibulum vitae nisi eget ipsum congue scelerisque.