
8 months, 2 days ago


Name: Synchronicity "Sync"
Age: 16 [MS] / ?? [PS] || October 6th, 3534
Gender: Male
Height: 1'07"
Type: Poison/Ice
Ability: Defiant/Snow Warning
Nature: Serious (=/=)
Characteristic: Somewhat stubborn

Level: 1
HP: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Atk: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Def: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
SpA: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
SpD: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Spd: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

 Purify: The user cures the target's status condition. If the move succeeds, it also restores the user's own HP.
 Ice Hammer: The user swings its strong, heavy fist at the target to inflict damage. This also lowers the user's Speed stat.
 Feint: This attack can hit a target using a move such as Protect or Detect. This also lifts the effects of those moves.
 Fake Out: This attack hits first and makes the target flinch. It works only on the first turn each time the user enters battle.


( + ) Methodical | Responsible | Adaptable | Observant
( = ) Stubborn | Ambitious | Sarcastic
( – ) Disrespectful | Argumentative | Irritable | Fickle | Obsessive

    The bastard child between one of the most lovely and sweethearted pokemon ever and a filthy cowardly dog,  Sync's childhood wasn't a good one. Although he had a very loving mother, Faellin, his father was the opposite. Abusive, controlling and a cheating mess. Although Cain was seemingly loyal and charming at the start, it simply, was a lie.  Sync went through the first few years of his childhood under the disappointed gaze of his father, due to not being born a rare tri-type, Cain immediately saw Sync as a failure. Whenever the young pichu was alone with him, things would get nasty. It's amazing how as a young boy, Sync never developed a fear of heights whenever his father would hold him over a ledge or shove him down stairs in attempts to get rid of him. 

    It took Sync years to unlearn the abuse when Faellin finally left Cain behind, and found a new love. At first, the young boy didn't exactly trust Gabriel, and it took years to actively enjoy Faellin's new husband's company. Eventually he did, and saw him as a father. Which Gabriel would soon learn that Sync had a talent for memorizing and learning things he was interested. He became a skilled hand to hand fighter at a young age thanks to Gabriel's teachings. 

    When his half-sister, Purity was born, he was estatic at first, however seeds of doubt began to sow in his mind that he was eventually going to be replaced. That he wouldn't find a place amongst the family and be forgotten.  Especially when Gabriel sent them away, it made him even more suspicious. 

    When they were attacked upon coming back for when 'Gabriel' sent word for them, all of Sync's trust became shattered even though he didn't know the truth. He tried desperately to protect his little sister however, but ended up getting his arm and half of his ear ripped off, then lost his mother. Thanks to Faellin's friend, he was able to properly recover and not die from blood loss.  Despite having to heal, he ran off anyways. Leaving his sister and his mother's friend behind, to go look for his mother himself despite being only eleven and without an arm. 

    He somehow got to Central City, he looked like a roughed up rat when  he got there, and despite that, some folks noticed his coloring and started whispering. Those whispers got back to his father, and come to find out; the shitty man was the heir to the Bonventre family in central. He had connections, and it didn't take long for his father to find him, and mock him then throw him in a ditch to finally die. 

    Although, luck was on Sync's side once again and a good back alley doctor found the young boy and took him in to properly heal. The doctor; Angelus, a Lopunny.  She properly gave him treatment and when his arm socket healed, he got a good scolding. Yet, for the next five years, Sync stayed with this loud, rash and extremely rude chain smoking doctor.  Eventually he found out that Angel knew advanced prosthetics thanks to learning from the city; Metropolis. However without the proper tools, and electronics all Angelus could do was make an arm that wasn't on the extreme levels those had in Metro. Yet, it still worked and moved like he never lost an arm to begin with.  

    Thanks to the time he spent with Angel, he also learned first aid and some advanced medicine from the good doctor. He knew the fundimentals of a few surgeries and knew his way around sutures.  So with that information, and the murmurings of a prophecy, Sync decided to leave at the age of sixteen after arguing with Angel. He eventually left anyways, saying he was finally going to go find his mother with the help of following this chosen one of this 'prophecy.'

    However, he got lost. Found his way to Dragonspiral, and bullied his way in, to be a doctor for the Moon Clan. 

▶ Due to the time he spent with Angel, he tends to swear a majority of the time. He especially does it to those he dislikes.
▶ During his off time, when he doesn't have to look after patients, he tends to read. Usually its medical books, but there are very rare times that they're romance novels.
▶ Thinks he is good at hiding it, but it pretty bad at it, but he adores cute things.  (His favorite Pimordial beasts are Woopers and Clodsires)
▶ Sorta like his father, he has a color that is his 'type', but unlike his father it isn't pink but purple.
▶ Doesn't scare easily, in fact, most of the time he'll just sigh.
▶ Says he dislikes children, but usually the most kind to them.
▶ He does use his poisons during medical treatments, especially when he needs to numb them since his poison is akin to Novocaine.
▶ When stressed out, he tends to go out for walks or take hot baths.
▶ When he is sure that he's alone, he will sing to himself at times. He's very good at singing.
▶ Huge dislike for sour things, he'll tend to make a face at them and the face is hilarious.
▶ The scar on his eye is not from the attack, but actually from his father.
▶ His Fighting style is like Tobi Otogiri's from Fight Song
▶ His voiceclaim is Jaskier
▶ His Battle theme is Destructive Goodwill