


8 years, 4 months ago


Nathan begins his Overworld journey at 14, where is is easily embarrassed, incredibly socially anxious, and near-lethally naïve about his surroundings. He does some cringy fourteen-year-old stuff, doesn't remember much, and isn't really bummed out yet. He's trying to figure out what he's going to do! (Important note to me that Nathan is originally spooked by the Overworld not having a visible edge). When he teleports, he's not super accurate. He gets a couple/few feet of extra distance from his intended target

Answered Asks 

(2013, age 14. Some irrelevant asks not included. Also edited out a lot of stutters, weh)
Ideal SO: Hasn't thought about it. Straight
First reaction to the Nether: Abject terror
What feeling do you often get: Shyness
Implied someone's interested in him: Very flustered, obvs
Does Pyre ever blow up on you?: "No he's really careful. Other than that one time"
Favorite food: Potatoes (previous said melons too, b-but the water-- Retconned)
What mobs are you afraid of: Snow golem, slime, ocelot
What would you do if you ran into a pack of rogue wolves?: Hide in a tree and beg forgiveness
I've seen you have two of your colors at once in your eyes, but would it be possible for you to flash all your colors at once?When there are 2 colors, he's feeling 2 major emotions. He can briefly do 3 colors, but this will quickly result in the colors merging, turning them black. This puts a lot of strain on his eyes and doesn't often happen (*slightly updated due to age)
 Zombies!!: Is obviously freaked out. But it's to the degree that his rage-mouth shows
Cats everywhere!: Nathan holds a frightened Pyre above the cats and scolds the asker
Does Pyre annoy you? How do you two get along?: "Oh, no. He doesn't annoy me. He's the only friend I have. Sure, he's a bit hyper and impulsive, but creepers will be creepers" (Pyre no doubt taught him this phrase, lol)
Stuck in the middle of an ocean in a boat with squids trying to sink it: Pyre irritably fends off the squids to the best of his ability while Nathan, reasonably, is hysterical because he thinks he's going to die
Have you ever met Steve?: ("Steve" was translated to "a human") Nathan says yes, but it's very drawn out and he looks uncomfortable
Oh no! Your in the void, on a floating piece of bedrock!: Nathan is frightened, but mostly confused. He teleports outta there
What would you do if a fish magically appeared on your head?: Nathan throws the fish to the ground, in pain because of the water and spooked because,, fish
You should meet other Enders: "But I'm shy..." Nathan is majorly hiding offscreen, only his eyes peeking up. His eyes are Flustered
You're so tall compared to me: "Well, I am an Enderman..."
What would you do if a villager made you trade all of your Ender pearls for one emerald?: "Well... I'd die. Our pearls are like hearts to us"
If you can't touch water, what do you drink?: "I don't need to drink. I come from a place where there isn't any moisture, therefore my body is built differently than yours"
Ever seen a movie?: Expresses confusion
What do you and Pyre normally do in your free time?: "Explore and mine." Note that "mining" is shown here by Nathan just carrying a block around, lol
If you like potatoes, have you ever tasted a french fry?: "I can't say I've heard of them, but if they're made from potatoes, they're probably awesome ❤" ([Sic] 14-year-old Nathan says "awesome" a lot)
Is a Enderman can crap out Ender pearls?: Nathan looks repulsed and concerned. After a pause, he answers "No." "My pearl is like a heart to me. If something like that happened… I think I’d have a serious health problem"
What do you think about the Ender dragon?: Nathan expresses that she is a dangerous dictator, but shows sign of misinformation, also saying that she's "just" and worthy of respect
How did you come to accept Pyre as a friend?: "I'm not sure what you mean by that... Pyre is the only friend I’ve ever had. If you’re suggesting that being different species changes anything, it doesn’t"
[Nathan is given a human skull "mask"]: He is concerned and displeased, but not as freaked out as you'd expect. He doesn't like the eye sockets "staring" at him
Most embarrassing moments: Nathan was M!A'd into a female one ask ago, so he says "How about right now?". He's very embarrassed and upset by this experience
Don't worry, you're a pretty girl :3 : Nathan accepts this compliment for some reason, but his face is only blush
Where do you and Pyre live?: Here, which likely served as a base of operations before the real search for The End began
[Nathan is redstoned for a period] Redsone makes his eyes turn rainbow and he starts acting like he's hot shiz. Afterwards, he's in great pain from his eyes expressing so many color and his eyes bleed for several posts
Is offered glowstone dust to combat the aftereffects of the redstone: "No, please...! That will not help me, I assure you"
Would you ever go skydiving?: Nathan proceeds to say "no" one hundred times, eyes tinged with Fear
How long would your bed need to be?: "I little over three blocks, I guess. I don't have one, though"
What do you think about cows?: "All they do is stare..." His eyes are Neutral here, though he looks somewhat disdainful and offput by a cow in-frame
What would you do without Pyre: "Well, I'd most likely be dead or near it because of how little I knew about the Overworld when I fell into it. I had no idea about water, lava, humans, all that stuff. I'd be alone too, because Pyre was the only thing that didn't try to kill me... I don't really want to talk about it"
Since tears are liquids, wouldn't it hurt to cry?: "Not to most Endermen. They're more like natural oils than water"
Do you like chickens?: "Eh, they're okay... Pyre likes to chase them around a lot"
[Nathan is asked again if he has a crush, to which he gives a flustered "no". He is then truth M!A'd and asked again. He says "no" a second time, but now he's kinda bummed out] "It’s not like I’m social or anything. I never really spoke to anyone while I lived in the End and when I fell out… it seems everyone becomes hostile in the Overworld"
You like creepers more than Endermen?: Nathan expresses that personality matters more than species
Thoughts on sunsets?: He says that he likes the colors in the sky (He said here that he hadn't seen one directly as the light would burn him, which was true when he was younger)
[Nathan gets redstoned again and is offered a healing potion for the aftereffects]: "Thank you, but I can't use this. Water..."
[Asking if anything can be done to help the aftereffects]: "Not that I know of. I just need a day or two to recover"
What do you like best in the world: "There are too many things to pick a favorite"
⭕ [Note: Chasm is introduced to the blog]
Where and how did you first meet Pyre?: "Well...  I met him in a small clearing in a forest biome. I had touched some water, but I didn’t know what it was then because I had just fallen out of the End. Pyre heard my scream and it woke him up and he came over to see what had happened. I didn’t know what a Creeper was either so I didn’t know he could’ve blown me up. Actually, that was kind of a good thing because he didn’t really have any friends because of that. And, yeah, he kinda showed me how not to kill myself and we kinda bonded after a while and he hasn’t left me alone since then. I don’t really like to think about it though…. It reminds me too much of my old home…"
Did you pick your names or did your parents give them to you: "Well, I assume my parents did..." His eyes are Worry
It's raining: Nathan hides sadly under a tree, fully expressing Fear
What do you think of zombies: "It doesn't exactly make me comfortable knowing that there are undying humans walking around... It's bad enough when they're alive" His eyes are Anxiety
You met Pyre because you fell out of the end... How so?: "I'm not really sure how. I was just home for one second and falling the next"
You [Nathan and Pyre] just found The End! First impression?: "Unfortunately, that's not even close to possible... And even if there was some way it was possible I wouldn’t want to take Pyre with me as the Ender dragon would be furious and probably kill him and banish me permanently"
Do you like blazes?: "I'd better..." (Domino has appeared on the blog at this point. He's following everybody around saying "soon", as he was assigned via anon)
What do you think of spider jockeys?: "They're deadly... Those spiders are huge, you know..."
Why are you holding a cat?: "Bella? She's sort of a 'pet'"
Do you like villagers and iron golems?: "Iron golems are only kind to villagers and humans. Villagers are too closely related to humans…"
Are there any half-Enders out there?: "I'm sure there are. Humans and Enders seem to be attracted to each other"
⭕ (2014)
How did you first meet Chasm?: Nathan says nothing as Chasm threatens to kill him in his sleep in the background
Do you like bats and things that fly?: Shows a bat saying "90% chance good" beneath it and a ghast saying "90% chance bad" beneath it
Favorite block?: "Coal blocks and ore"
Nathan is asked how he met Chasm: Nathan says that Chasm fell out of a tree and into the sunlight which burned him, but note that this was before Chasm's story was reworked
Why do you burn in the sunlight?: "When you're from a world of darkness [The End], the light of this world is strange"
Normal Endermen don't burn in the sunlight: "Y-yes they do. I should know"
Why were you thrown out of The End?: Nathan expresses Sadness, Anxiety, and Confusion briefly before becoming Overwhelmed. He hides his face and says he doesn't know
I can get you back to The End: "It takes death to get back!" He's still Overwhelmed here "So many pearls... They were all Endermen"
⭕ (Age 15, Nathan's first Overworld b-day)
[Random fact ask]: Nathan used to not have to eat when he fell out of the End because the Ender dragon's crystals still had a positive effect on his health, but the longer he stays in the Overworld, the more that power fades
Does Nathan have siblings?: He shrugs
What's that bracelet on your hand?: "It's a thing that doesn't come off. I don’t think I chose to wear it…. I can’t recall"
Do any of you like snow?: Nathan gives an adamant "no"
Who is the best shot? (bow and arrows): Nathan struggles to use the bow correctly and gets somewhat frustrated at such. He says he's never going to use one, so he doesn't need to try
During thunderstorms, where do you go?: "Anywhere."
Most cherished items?: "I don't have any stuff"
[Someone scares Nathan and he's still very easily frightened at this point]
[Nathan is asked how marriage works, which he denies answering]
[Somebody kisses Nathan. He gets very Flustered, is super uncomfortable, and appears ready to teleport away]
Have you ever gotten in a fight?: "Yeaaaah, maybe... I didn't start any of them, don’t get me wrong…"
⭕ [Taiga is introduced to the blog]: "How am I supposed to help somebody else who’s lost when I can’t find my own way around…?"
Why do you have only four fingers?: "Because I have 'only four fingers'...? You say it like it’s abnormal…"
⭕ (2015. Age 16 around here somewhere)
Do you remember anything about your family?: "Not really... No..."
Do you think that bracelet might have something to do with you being out of The End?: "I don't know. It could be enchanted, I guess..."
What makes you mad?: "Judging by what you do to Chasm, I'd prefer that wasn't public information. Plus, I’m not entirely sure…."
Have you ever heard of Endermites?: "A what...?"
What happens if you try taking the bracelet off your wrist?: "Nothing. I can't get it off. It's too tight around my wrist"
[I guess I forgot that I talked about Nathan knowing about the End portal before because he has a whole crisis about how it works. It happening here instead of 2013 is probably more accurate, though]
Have you ever been to the Nether?: Chasm cuts Nathan off saying "No. We're not doing that."
You're glowing a little bit there: "Yes, that is a thing that happens sometimes. Thank you for noticing" He's Anxious and has his hands tucked under his arms
Closer look at the bracelet? Anything special about it?: "Well, it has a couple marks on it, but other than that no" Bracelet is drawn close-up
[Anon suggesting Nathan break off his bracelet with a rock]: "That doesn't really sound like a good idea..." He holds his wrist, majorly Anxious
Have you ever been angry?: "If I have, I can't recall. I mean, I've been irritated, but nothing worse than that..."
What color does Nathan turn when he feels extreme, unbridled joy?: "This one I guess?" He's displaying Neutral "Nothing special" [Note: he now has a happy color, but did not at the time of this ask]
[It's asked how everybody met, so Nathan explains Pyre again. Also shows that Chasm's introduction has changed, but doesn't add details. Domino "just showed up" and they recently found Taiga]
How do you feel about hugs from strangers?: "Well, it wouldn't be the first time.... It's alright, I think...."
Have any unwanted visitors noticed your party?: "That's always been a problem. I've been told that it's normal"
What's your opinion on this whole 'group' thing?: "Welcome to the running around aimlessly party. If you trip on something that looks important, let us knowwww...." He's half Neutral, half Sad
⭕ (2016. Age 17 around here somewhere)
[Anon asks what are the plans to get to The End and it's implied the group is very lost]
[Nathan is offered a chicken and a duck, but apparently he's freaked out by birds now]
So you all travel constantly?: "Pretty much. I mean, we don’t push ourselves, b-but…yeah…"
[Chasm talks to Taiga and it's revealed that Nathan can't speak or understand Ender]
[Asked if anyone can cook and Chasm says sarcastically that Nathan doesn't know what a furnace looks like]
Is Chasm ever nice?: "Nooooooo...."
[Nathan is M!A'd into a human, to which he screams hysterically]
Is it weird wearing clothes? [Human M!A]: "It's weird... but also soft"
[During the human M!A, Nathan's bracelet is on the outside of the sweater he's wearing, so it's asked if he can slide it off. He does, but it displays purple static and reappears on his arm]
What were your parents like: [Can't remember]
⭕ (2019. Age 20?)
Do you ever get pimples?: "Eh... what? Sounds like…a bug…or something……"
How did you get your name (again, I guess): "I mean... I imagine it was given to me when I hatched. Ideally by my parents. But, I, uh…I suppose I– There’s really no way I could know. Not considering um… current… circumstances"
[Really long rambling ask initially asking what his favorite food is]: "Oh, I... I don't really eat much anymore..." His eyes are Sad here