[Horror Sona] Loomis



7 months, 27 days ago




He / It / They / Decay

Age 27

DoB 13th November 1996

species Human

theme song songname, artist

story To one's Grave

code by snail-legs


A strange person is Loomis, prefering to keep to himself. Though that has unfortunatly given him the air of being cool & mysterious which is not what he was aiming for. People like to gawk at him, but not in the way that he wants, a growing rage building at how people view him as a peice of meat rather then a person.
Loomis is not a piece of meat, and he'll show them that.


Born on Friday the 13th, Loomis claims he was always set up for failure, though he doesn't personally see the date as 'cursed' in any way, not that he's a good scale for normal. It never really mattered what he thought however, pushed around and changed by those people who took on these assumptions.
He's trying to make the image others have of him fit the one he wants, but it's hard, they don't want to change the views they have of him unless if he shoves it in their face. But, he doesn't want to go that extreme, at least not yet.


It's unknown how much of Loomis' personality is because that's just how it is, or due to how others treat him. He has a very short fuse, no patience for people, especially those who like to gawk at him.
There seems to have been some breaking point in him, having left and cut everyone off after he finished school. Explaining he still cared about them but could exist with them anymore. A lot of people worried with what he meant exactly with those words, but he's still here.
