


8 years, 4 months ago



Made up moth known as a "Prince Moth". Appears similar to a Monarch Butterfly
> He gets cold really easily
> Only small patches of his skin will burn in water (mostly his markings)
> Thanks to his antenna being larger, he can sense emotions from an impressive distance. Excitement is his least favorite emotion to sense - it makes him feel fuzzy and gross
> He likes to keep his wings folded at all times and isn't about showing them off (unless agitated by like a spider crawler or something)
Plays guitar
> Babysits for several people and has an occasional job as a janitor for a store.
> His skin has more feeling than it should. It's great. He's having the time of his life, wow : ))) (It hurty and sucks) Do not touch, he hate
> All of his blood is yellow, instead of just the blood in his wings
> Left handed
> Likes to dance and yoga, but is shy about it. Also likes to read a lot and sketching people and trees. He normally doesn't let people see his sketches, as he doesn't want to be made fun of. Collects animal figures and models. Pretty much self conscious about all of his hobbies or things that he enjoys.
> Wears vests rather than coats or jackets.
> He doesn't often smile : (
> Likes instrumental music
Likes to take walks in the middle of the night